Areas of Focus
- Tumor immunology and immunotherapy
- Neuro-immuno-metabolic interactions, particularly the immunobiological effects of epithelial cytokines (e.g., IL-33) and neurotransmitters (e.g., CGRP, NMU, NE) on ILC and Treg
- Transplant immunology
Work Experience
- 2018.08-Present Associate Professor, Medical School, Southern University of Science and Technology
- 2014.03-2017.04 Research Associate, T.E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- 2014.09-2018.08 Associate Chief Physician, Cardiovascular Surgery, Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University
- 2008.09-2014.08 Attending Physician, Cardiovascular Surgery, Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University
- 2005.07-2008.08 Resident Physician, Cardiovascular Surgery, Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1997-2002 Bachelor of Clinical Medicine, Harbin Medical University
- 2002-2005 Master of Surgery (Thoracic and Cardiovascular), Harbin Medical University
- 2008-2011 PhD in Surgery (Thoracic and Cardiovascular), Harbin Medical University
- Graft IL-33 regulates infiltrating macrophages to protect against chronic rejection, Li T, Zhang Z, Bartolacci JG, Dwyer GK, Liu Q, Mathews L, Velayutham M, Roessing A, Lee YC, Dai H, Shiva S, Oberbarnscheidt MH, Dziki JL, Mullett SJ, Wendell SG, Wilkinson JD, Webber SA, Wood-Trageser MA, Watkins SC, Demetris AJ, Hussey GS, Badylak SF, Turnquist HR, 2020
- iNOS/NO is required for IRF1 activation in response to liver ischemia-reperfusion in mice, Qiang Du, Jing Luo, Mu-Qing Yang, Quan Liu, Caroline Heres, Yi-He Yan, Donna Stolz, David A Geller, 2020
- Organic Spherical Nucleic Acids for the Transport of a NIR-II-Emitting Dye Across the Blood–Brain Barrier, Xiao F, Lin L, Chao Z, Shao C, Chen Z, Wei Z, Lu J, Huang Y, Li L, Liu Q, Liang Y, Tian L, 2020
- The Interleukin-33/ST2 axis promotes glioma mesenchymal transition, stemness and TMZ resistance via JNK activation, Lin L, Li Y, Liu M, Li Q, Liu Q, Li R, 2020
- IL-33-mediated IL-13 secretion by ST2+ Tregs controls inflammation after lung injury, Liu Q, Dwyer GK, Zhao Y, Li H, Mathews LR, Chakka AB, Chandran UR, Demetris JA, Alcorn JF, Robinson KM, Ortiz LA, Pitt BR, Thomson AW, Fan MH, Billiar TR, Turnquist HR, 2019
- Donor dendritic cell-derived exosomes promote allograft-targeting immune response, Liu Q, Rojas-Canales DM, Divito SJ, Shufesky WJ, Stolz DB, Erdos G, Sullivan ML, Gibson GA, Watkins SC, Larregina AT, Morelli AE, 2016
- Graft-infiltrating host dendritic cells play a key role in organ transplant rejection, Zhuang Q, Liu Q, Divito SJ, Zeng Q, Yatim KM, Hughes AD, Rojas-Canales DM, Nakao A, Shufesky WJ, Williams AL, Humar R, Hoffman RA, Shlomchik WD, Oberbarnscheidt MH, Lakkis FG, Morelli AE, 2016
- Heart allograft tolerance induced and maintained by vascularized hind-limb transplant in rats, Liu Q, Wang Y, Nakao A, Zhang W, Gorantla V, Zheng XX, 2013
- Peri-alloHCT IL-33 administration expands recipient T regulatory cells that protect mice against acute GVHD, Matta BM, Reichenbach DK, Zhang X, Mathews L, Koehn BH, Dwyer GK, Lott JM, Uhl FM, Pfeifer D, Feser CJ, Smith MJ, Liu Q, Zeiser R, Blazar BR, Turnquist HR, 2016
- The IL-33/ST2 axis augments effector T-cell responses during acute GVHD, Reichenbach DK, Schwarze V, Matta BM, Tkachev V, Lieberknecht E, Liu Q, Koehn BH, Pfeifer D, Taylor PA, Prinz G, Dierbach H, Stickel N, Beck Y, Warncke M, Junt T, Schmitt-Graeff A, Nakae S, Follo M, Wertheimer T, Schwab L, Devlin J, Watkins SC, Duyster J, Ferrara JL, Turnquist HR, Zeiser R, Blazar BR, 2015
- Macrophage endocytosis of high-mobility group box 1 triggers pyroptosis, Xu J, Jiang Y, Wang J, Shi X, Liu Q, Liu Z, Li Y, Scott MJ, Xiao G, Li S, Fan L, Billiar TR, Wilson MA, Fan J, 2014
- Adenosine triphosphate-competitive mTOR inhibitors: a new class of immunosuppressive agents that inhibit allograft rejection, Rosborough BR, Raïch-Regué D, Liu Q, Venkataramanan R, Turnquist HR, Thomson AW, 2014
- IL-33 is an unconventional alarmin that stimulates IL-2 secretion by dendritic cells to selectively expand IL-33R/ST2+ regulatory T cells, Matta BM, Lott JM, Mathews LR, Liu Q, Rosborough BR, Blazar BR, Turnquist HR, 2014
- Nitric Oxide Production Upregulates Wnt/β-catenin Signaling By Inhibiting Dickkopf-1, Du Q, Zhang X, Liu Q, Zhang X, Bartels C, Geller DA, 2013
- T cell immunohistochemistry refines lung transplant acute rejection diagnosis and grading, Cheng L, Guo H, Qiao X, Liu Q, Nie J, Li J, Wang J, Jiang K, 2013
- Targeting uncoupling protein-2 improves islet graft function, Zhang D, Shen M, Mikita A, Zhang W, Liu Y, Liu Q, Dai Y, Zhang C, Zheng S, Zheng XX, 2011
- IL-33 expands suppressive CD11b+ Gr-1int and regulatory T cells, including ST2L+ Foxp3+ cells, and mediates regulatory T cell-dependent promotion of cardiac allograft survival, Turnquist HR, Zhao Z, Rosborough BR, Liu Q, Castellaneta A, Isse K, Wang Z, Lang M, Stolz DB, Zheng XX, Demetris AJ, Liew FY, Wood KJ, Thomson AW, 2011
- Endogenous dendritic cells mediate the effects of intravenously injected therapeutic immunosuppressive dendritic cells in transplantation, Divito SJ, Wang Z, Shufesky WJ, Liu Q, Tkacheva OA, Montecalvo A, Erdos G, Larregina AT, Morelli AE, 2010
- 热休克预适应对心脏移植供心保护作用的实验研究, 刁力为,刘大勇,叶明,刘泉,亓峰,孙振东,陈子道,姚志发,吴乃石, 2010
- 托拉塞米在重症心脏联合瓣膜置换病人围手术期中的应用, 吴乃石,刁力为,刘泉,赵林,亓锋,刘大勇, 2006
- 婴儿多发性心脏横纹肌瘤一例, 刘泉,吴乃石,孙露,赵林林,刁力为,陈子道,杜金荣, 2006
- 一种新的大鼠同种主动脉瓣异位移植模型, 刘泉,臧旺福,田海, 2005
- 2007 and 2008 Second Prize of Science and Technology, Heilongjiang Province
- 2013 Young Scientist Award by the American Society of Transplantation (AST) and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS)