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Li Baojie
Life Science
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Language: Chinese, English
Stem Cells Self-Renewal Differentiation Aging Bone Development Bone Metabolism Osteoporosis Dna Damage Stress Response Tumor
Areas of Focus
  • Mesenchymal stem cell in vivo self-renewal, differentiation, and aging regulation mechanisms
  • Bone development, bone metabolism, and pathogenesis of osteoporosis
  • DNA damage stress response, aging, and tumor occurrence
Work Experience
  • 2001-2009 - Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore - PI, Senior PI
Academic Background & Achievements
  • Bachelor's Degree: Beijing Normal University
  • PhD: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
  • Postdoctoral Research: Columbia University
  • Recipient of Shanghai 'Pujiang Talent Plan' 2009
  • Key Project Leader in 863 Program 'Comprehensive Platform Technology of Whole Genome Association Analysis'
  • A positive role for c-Abl in Atm and Atr activation in DNA damage response, Wang X, Zeng L, Wang J, Chau JF, Lai KP, Jia D, Poonepalli A, Hande MP, Liu H, He G, He L, Li B, 2011
  • S6K1 is a multifaceted regulator of Mdm2 that connects nutrient status and DNA damage response, Lai KP, Leong WF, Chau JF, Jia D, Zeng L, Liu H, He L, Hao A, Zhang H, Meek D, Velagapudi C, Habib SL, Li B, 2010
  • Atm deficient mice: an osteoporosis model with defective osteoblast differentiation and increased osteoblastogenesis, Rasheed N, Wang X, Niu QT, Yeh J, Li B, 2006
  • p53 represses the expression of transcription factor osterix and functions as a negative regulator of osteoblastogenesis and bone formation, Wang X, Kua HY, Hu Y, Guo K, Zeng Q, Wu Q, Ng HH, Karsenty G, de Crombrugghe B, Yeh J, Li B, 2006
  • Distinct roles for c-Abl and Atm in Prx I induction by modulating expression of protein kinase C, Li B, Wang X, Rasheed N, Hu Y, Boast S, Ishii T, Nakayama K, Nakayama KI, Goff SP, 2004
  • Activation of p38MAPK is required for osteoblast differentiation, Hu Y, Chan E, Wang X, Li B, 2003
  • c-Abl knockout mice are osteoporotic and show defects in osteoblast maturation, Li B, Boast B, de los Santos K, Schieren I, Quiroz M, Teitelbaum SL, Tondravi MM, Goff SP, 2000
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