Areas of Focus
- Formation of internal organs in zebrafish, especially the development of the cardiovascular system
- Research on the pathogenesis of congenital heart diseases in humans based on zebrafish models
- Development and refinement of CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing techniques using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism
Work Experience
- Since August 2017: Professor and PhD Supervisor, Peking University School of Life Sciences
- 2002 - 2017: Associate Professor, Peking University School of Life Sciences
- 1998 - 2002: Lecturer, Peking University School of Life Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1999 - 2002: Postdoctoral, UCLA School of Medicine, USA
- 1998 - 1999: Postdoctoral, University of Tokyo Medical School, Japan
- 1995 - 1998: PhD in Cell Biology, Peking University School of Life Sciences
- 1992 - 1995: Master of Science in Cell Biology, Peking University School of Life Sciences
- 1988 - 1992: Bachelor of Science in Cell Biology, Peking University Department of Biology
- Kctd10 regulates heart morphogenesis by repressing the transcriptional activity of Tbx5a in zebrafish, Tong X, Zu Y, Li Z, Li W, Ying L, Yang J, Wang X, He S, Liu D, Zhu Z, Chen J, Lin S, Zhang B, 2014
- Eif3ba regulates cranial neural crest development by modulating p53 in zebrafish, Xia Z, Tong X, Liang F, Zhang Y, Kuok C, Zhang Y, Liu X, Zhu Z, Lin S, Zhang B, 2013
- Chromosomal deletions and inversions mediated by TALENs and CRISPR/Cas in zebrafish, Xiao A, Wang Z, Hu Y, Wu Y, Luo Z, Yang Z, Zu Y, Li W, Huang P, Tong X, Zhu Z, Lin S, Zhang B, 2013
- TALEN mediated precise genome modification by homologous recombination in zebrafish, Zu Y, Tong X, Wang Z, Liu D, Pan R, Li Z, Hu Y, Luo Z, Huang P, Wu Q, Zhu Z, Zhang B, Lin S, 2013
- ngs (Notochord Granular Surface) Gene Encodes a Novel Type of Intermediate Filament Family Protein Essential for Notochord Maintenance in Zebrafish, Tong X, Xia Z, Zu Y, Telfer H, Hu J, Yu J, Liu H, Zhang Q, Sodmergen, Lin S, Zhang B, 2013
- EphB3 is overexpressed in non-small-cell lung cancer and promotes tumor metastasis by enhancing cell survival and migration, Ji XD, Li G, Feng YX, Zhao JS, Li JJ, Sun ZJ, Shi S, Deng YZ, Xu JF, Zhu YQ, Koeffler HP, Tong XJ, Xie D, 2011
- Involvement of Cyr61 in growth, migration and metastasis of prostate cancer cells, Sun ZJ, Wang Y, Cai Z, Chen PP, Tong XJ, Xie D, 2008
- Negative feedback regulation of IFN-gamma pathway by IFN regulatory factor 2 in esophageal cancers, Wang Y, Liu D, Chen P, Koeffler HP, Tong X, Xie D, 2008
- Involvements of IFN Regulatory Factor-1 and IFN Regulatory Factor-2 in the Formation and Progression of Human Esophageal Cancers, Wang Y, Liu D, Chen PP, Koeffler HP, Tong X, and Xie D, 2007
- Connective tissue growth factor is overexpressed in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and promotes tumorigenicity through beta-catenin-T-cell factor/Lef signaling, Deng YZ, Chen PP, Wang Y, Yin D, Koeffler HP, Li B, Tong XJ, Xie D, 2007
- Analyses for binding of the transferrin family of proteins to the transferrin receptor 2, Kawabata H, Tong X, Kawanami T, Wano Y, Hirose Y, Sugai S, Koeffler HP, 2004
- RWJ-241947 (MCC-555), a unique peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand with antitumor activity against human prostate cancer in vitro and in beige/nude/ X-linked immunodeficient mice and enhancement of apoptosis in myeloma cells induced by, Kumagai T, Ikezoe T, Gui D, O`Kelly J, Tong XJ, Cohen FJ, Said JW, Koeffler HP, 2004
- Cyr61 suppresses the growth of non-small-cell lung cancer cells via the beta-catenin-c-myc-p53 pathway, Tong X, O`Kelly J, Xie D, Mori A, Lemp N, McKenna R, Miller CW, Koeffler HP, 2004
- Cyr61 is overexpressed in gliomas and involved in integrin-linked kinase-mediated Akt and beta-catenin-TCF/Lef signaling pathways, Xie D, Yin D, Tong X, O`Kelly J, Mori A, Miller C, Black K, Gui D, Said JW, Koeffler HP, 2004
- NADE (p75NTR-associated cell death executor) suppresses cellular growth in vivo, Tong X, Xie D, Roth W, Reed J, Koeffler HP, 2003
- Mutation analysis of transferrin-receptor 2 in patients with atypical hemochromatosis, Hoffman WK, Tong XJ, Ajioka RS, Kushner JP, Koeffler HP, 2002
- Iron deficiency can upregulate expression of transferrin receptor at both the mRNA and protein level, Tong X, Kawabata H, Koeffler HP, 2002
- Cyr61, a member of CCN family, is a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer, Tong X, Xie D, O`Kelly J, Miller CW, Muller-Tidow C, Koeffler HP, 2001
- Regulation of expression of murine transferrin receptor 2, Kawabata H, Germain RS, Ikezoe T, Tong X, Green EM, Gombart AF, Koeffler HP, 2001
- Peking University Teaching Excellence Award, 2016
- Peking University Teaching Excellence Award, 2012
- Peking University Teaching Demonstration Competition First Prize, 2012
- Peking University Teaching Excellence Award, 2010
- Capital Education Pioneer - Teaching Innovation Advanced Individual, 2009
- Ministry of Education 'New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan' Awardee, 2008
- 10th Huo Yingdong Young Teacher Award (Research Third Prize), 2006
- Peking University 'Dongbao' Teaching Award, 2005
- Peking University Teaching Excellence Award, 2003