Areas of Focus
- Epigenetics
- Molecular mechanisms and functions of epigenetic regulation
- Heterochromatin structure and function
- Epigenetic regulatory networks in stem cells and aging
Work Experience
- 1997-2001 Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis
- 2001-2006 Research Group Leader: Friedrich Miecher Institute, Switzerland
- 2006-present Professor, Tsinghua University; Various leadership roles at Tongji University
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1993-1997 PhD: University of Cambridge
- 2006 Selected for Tsinghua University's 'Hundred Talents Program'
- 2006 Received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 2007 Appointed as Chang Jiang Scholar Professor by the Ministry of Education
- Heterochromatin remodeling by CDK12 contributes to learning in Drosophila, Sun FL*, Ni JQ*, 2015
- Histone H1-mediated epigenetic regulation controls germline stem cell self-renewal by modulating H4K16 acetylation, Sun FL*, Ni JQ*, 2015
- RAD6 promotes homologous recombination repair by activating the autophagy-mediated degradation of heterochromatin protein HP1, Sun FL*, 2015
- Histone H2B lysine 120 monoubiquitination is required for embryonic stem cell differentiation, Sun FL*, 2012
- Drosophila ribosomal proteins are associated with linker histone H1 and suppress gene transcription, Sun FL*, 2006
- Sex-specific role of Drosophila HP1 in chromatin and transcription, Sun FL*, 2005
- HP1 modulates the transcription of cell-cycle regulators in Drosophila melanogaster, Sun FL*, 2005
- Long-range nucleosome ordering is associated with gene silencing in Drosophila melanogaster pericentric heterochromatin, Sun FL, 2001
- The fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster: interspersed euchromatic and heterochromatic domains, Sun FL, 2000
- Putting boundaries on silence, Sun FL, 1999
- Transactivation of Igf2 in a mouse model of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Sun FL, 1997
- 2006 National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund
- 2007 Chang Jiang Scholar, Ministry of Education
- 2009 National Candidate for the 'Millions of Talents Project'
- 2010 Special Government Allowance by the Ministry of Education