Areas of Focus
- Positive Psychology Research
- Neurotic Personality and Low Self-Esteem Research
- Interpersonal Cognition and Mental Health Research
- Positive Psychotherapy and ACT Therapy Research
- Diagnosis and Correction of Children's Dyslexia
- Diagnosis and Correction of Children's ADHD
Work Experience
- 1989-1991 - Beijing Normal University - Lecturer
- 1992-1997 - Beijing Normal University - Associate Professor
- 1997-present - Beijing Normal University - Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
- 1997 - University of New Hampshire, USA - Short-term visiting scholar
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1989-1991 Lecturer: Beijing Normal University
- 1992-1997 Associate Professor: Beijing Normal University
- 1997-present Professor, Doctoral Supervisor: Beijing Normal University
- 1997 Short-term visiting scholar: University of New Hampshire, USA
- Monitoring Emotion Through Body Sensation: A Review of Awareness in Goenka’s Vipassana, Tian P. S. Oei, Xiangping Liu, 2013
- A Critical Analysis of the Concepts and Measurement of Awareness and Equanimity in Goenka's Vipassana Meditation, Zeng, X., Oei, TPS., Ye, Y. & Liu, X., 2013
- Money-Primed Reactance Does Not Help Ensure Autonomy, Yu, S., Zeng, X., Wang, C., Chen, H., Liu, X., 2013
- Perception of Parents as Demonstrating the Inherent Merit of their Values: Relations with Self-Congruence and Subjective Well-Being, Yu, S., Assor, A., Liu, X., 2013
- Revision of the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale for Measuring Awareness and Equanimity in Goenka's Vipassana Meditation with Chinese Buddhists, Zeng, X., Li, M., Zhang, B., & Liu, X., 2014
- Preference for Smaller Sooner Over Larger Later Rewards in ADHD Contribution of Delay Duration and Paradigm Type, Yu, X., Sonuga-Barke, E., & Liu, X., 2015
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy as Treatments for Academic Procrastination A Randomized Controlled Group Session, Wang, S., Zhou, Y., Yu, S., Ran, L. W., Liu, X. P., & Chen, Y. F., 2015
- Social anxiety, stress type, and conformity among adolescents, Zhang, P., Deng, Y., Yu, X., Zhao, X., & Liu, X., 2016
- Attachment security balances perspectives: effects of security priming on highly optimistic and pessimistic explanatory styles, Deng, Y., Yan, M., Chen, H., Sun, X., Zhang, P., & Zeng, X., 2016
- Exploring different patterns of love attitudes among chinese college students, Zeng, X., Pan, Y., Han, Z., Shi, Y., & Liu, X., 2016
- A special chinese reading acceleration training paradigm: to enhance the reading fluency and comprehension of chinese children with reading disabilities, Dai, L., Zhang, C., & Liu, X., 2016
- Development of the appreciative joy scale, Zeng, X., Liao, R., Zhang, R., Tian, P. S. O., Yao, Z., & Leung, F. Y. K., 2017
- Effect of priming with attachment security on positive affect among individuals with depression, Liao, R., Wang, S., Zhang, P., Zhou, Y., & Liu, X., 2017
- Gender differences in the difficulty in disengaging from threat among children and adolescents with social anxiety, Zhang, P., Ni, W., Xie, R., Xu, J., & Liu, X., 2017
- A systematic review of associations between amount of meditation practice and outcomes in interventions using the four immeasurables meditations, Zeng, X., Chio, F. H., Oei, T. P., Leung, F. Y., & Liu, X., 2017
- Appreciative joy in buddhism and positive empathy in psychology: how do they differ?, Zeng, X., Chan, V. Y., Tian, P. O., Leung, F. Y., & Liu, X., 2017
- The Development of Conformity Among Chinese Children Aged 9–15 Years in a Public Choice Task, Zhang, P., Zhang, Y., Mu, Z., & Liu, X., 2017
- Pleasing or withdrawing: Differences between dependent and self-critical depression in psychosocial functioning following rejection, Deng, Y., Wang, S., Leng, L., Chen, H., Yang, T., & Liu, X., 2018
- Counting blessings and sharing gratitude in a Chinese prisoner sample: Effects of gratitude-based interventions on subjective well-being and aggression, Deng, Y., Xiang, R., Zhu, Y., & Liu, X., 2018
- Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Perceived Responses to Capitalization Attempts Scale, Guo, W., Lin, Z., Cheng, N., & Liu, X., 2018
- Influence of grapheme and syllable learning on handwriting output of Chinese characters in children with dictation difficulties, Tan, Y., & Liu, X., 2018
- Attachment avoidance moderates the effects of parenting on Chinese adolescents’ having an inner compass, Yu, S., Deng, Y., Yu, H., & Liu, X., 2018
- WeChat engagement styles: Measuring the two processes of relatedness need, moderated by personality differences, Chen, Y., Li, R., Zhang, P., & Liu, X., 2019
- The relationships among parental psychological control/autonomy support, self-trouble, and internalizing problems across adolescent genders, Chen, Y., Li, R., & Liu, X., 2019
- The moderating role of state attachment anxiety and avoidance between social anxiety and social networking sites addiction, Chen, Y., Li, R., Zhang, P., & Liu, X., 2019
- Romantic relationship and appearance-based rejection sensitivity: A moderated mediation model of self-rated attractiveness and appearance-contingent self-worth, Deng, Y., Chen, Y., & Liu, X., 2019
- Randomized control study of the effects of executive function training on peer difficulties of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder C subtype, Lan, Y. T., Liu, X. P., & Fang, H. S., 2020
- Beijing Normal University Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2002)
- International Positive Psychology Association Outstanding Achievement Award (2010)