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Jian-Nong Shi
Psychology CAS
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: English, Chinese
Gifted Children Psychology Intelligence Creativity Development Promotion Cognitive Social Cross-Cultural Studies
Areas of Focus
  • Psychology of gifted children
  • Development and promotion of intelligence and creativity
  • Cognitive and social development of children
  • Cross-cultural studies
  • Intelligence, motivation and creative thinking of supernormal and normal children, Shi, J., & Xu, F., 1999
  • Psychological research on and education of gifted and talented children in China, Shi, J., & Zha, Z., 2000
  • Teaching English as a foreign language in China since 1978, Shi, J., & Liu, Z., 2000
  • A natural perspective on giftedness, Shi, J., 2003
  • Diligence makes people smart: Chinese perspectives of intelligence, Shi, J., 2004
  • Gifted education in primary school, Shi, J., & Zhai, J., 2004
  • Intelligence current in creative activities, Shi, J., 2004
  • Intelligence and information processing during a visual search task in children: An ERP study, Zhang, Q. & Shi, J. et al, 2006
  • Film course makes schooling more attractive: An example of educational reform in China, Shi, J., & Liu, Z., 2006
  • Enlightening the mathematical talents of children in kindergarten, Shi, J., & Chen, N., 2006
  • Neural mechanisms of auditory sensory processing in children with high intelligence, Liu, T., Shi, J., Zhang, Q., Zhao, D., Yang, J., 2007
  • Effect of task complexity on intelligence and neural efficiency in children: an event-related potential study, Zhang, Q., Shi, J., Luo, Y., Liu, S., Yang, J., Shen, M., 2007
  • An event-related brain potential study of children’s conservation, Zhang, Q., Shi, J., Fan, Y., Liu, T., Luo, Y., Sang, H., Shen, M., 2007
  • Self-concept of gifted children aged 9-to 13-years-old, Shi, J.*, Li, Y., & Zhang, X., 2008
  • An event-related brain potential study of children’s conservation, Zhang, Q., Shi, J.*, Fan, Y., Liu, T., Luo, Y., Sang, H., Shen, M., 2008
  • The relationship between EEG band power, cognitive processing and intelligence in school-age children, Liu, T., Shi, J.*, Zhao, D., & Yang, J., 2008
  • Event-related potentials during preattentional processing of color stimuli, Liu T., & Shi, J.*, 2008
  • The event-related low frequency activity of highly and average intelligent children, Liu T., Shi, J.*, Zhao D, Yang J., 2008
  • The Territorial prior-residence effect and children’s behavior in social dilemmas, Han R, Li S, Shi JN, 2009
  • Puberty timing and fluid intelligence: A study of correlations between testosterone and intelligence in 8- to 12-year-old Chinese boys, Shangguan F., & Shi, J.*, 2009
  • Electrophysiological correlates for response inhibition in intellectually gifted children: A Go/NoGo study, Duan, X., Shi, J.*, Wu, J., Mou, Y., Cui, H., & Wang, G., 2009
  • The challenge-and-response model of normal anxiety, Fan, Y., & Shi, J.*, 2009
  • Developmental Changes in Processing Speed: Influence of accelerated education for gifted children, Duan, X. J., Shi, J.N.*, & Zhou, D., 2010
  • The relationship between executive function and intelligence on 11- to 12-year-old children, Duan, X. J., Wei, S. W., Wang, G. Q., & Shi, J. N*., 2010
  • Predicting school achievement from cognitive and non-cognitive variables in a Chinese sample of elementary school children, Lu L., Weber, H., Spinath, F., and Shi, J.*, 2011
  • Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Regional Council of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
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