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Successfully competing in Asia requires excellence in the Four Ds of Localization - Deciding growth priorities, Designing for local needs, Delivering at Asia speed, and Digitalizing for operational excellence. Western companies traditionally centralize these four competencies in headquarters, which creates a competitive disadvantage in Asian markets. Companies leverage on-demand expertise and leadership to address capability gaps, while building organizational agility and keeping fixed costs low.

What is on-demand expertise and leadership?
In today’s ever-changing business, geopolitical, and economic landscape, leaders are constantly faced with questions like: Can we keep up with the pace of change? How do I navigate uncertainty and atypical moments in the business cycle? How do I drive growth while mitigating risk? Can I find the right leadership skills and capabilities needed today?

In Asia’s dynamic business environment, leaders are challenged by questions such as: Can we keep pace with accelerating change? How do we prioritize the region's diverse markets? How can we drive growth while effectively managing risk? Do we have access to the leadership skills and technical capabilities required to succeed?

On-demand talent augments your team by providing specialized leadership and technical capacity on a flexible basis. You can quickly ramp up and ramp down teams based on project workflow. Or establish long-term relationships with fractional experts who fill critical capability gaps in areas where you cannot justify a full-time hire.

Senior Experts & Leaders

Consultants and Experts
We provide access to an agile talent base of management consultants, technical experts, and seasoned domain experts. These professionals offer the specialized skills and practical experience necessary to address complex challenges and drive initiatives forward.
Special Project Leads
Our experienced project leaders excel in managing pivotal moments of innovation and digital transformation. Their hands-on approach ensures effective execution and strategic alignment, helping organizations achieve ambitious goals.
Interim Executives
Interim executives bring strategic insight and operational expertise from industry-leading organizations. With the ability to step in at critical moments, they help maintain business momentum and deliver impactful solutions that can drive lasting change.

Technical Capacity

Managing software and technology talent is challenging due to variable project workloads and the high cost of technical expertise. Our pool of developers, engineers, and PhDs enables you to rapidly build a high caliber team to meet project deadlines, and just as quickly ramp down to keep your cost structure lean.

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China Academic Collaboration

Our professor database tracks the research domains of 21,387 professors in China. We use the database to help companies identify innovation partners, license intellectual property, and conduct competitive risk assessment. China's academic innovation ecosystem benefits from a large pool of affordable scientific and engineering talent. Universities are increasingly open to commercial arrangements, with a focus on technology licensing and project-based collaboration with corporates and investors.

北京大学, Basic Medical Sciences
Research Domains:
疼痛, 记忆, 认知, 情绪, 分子生物学, 细胞生物学, 基因组学, 代谢组学, 单细胞测序, 神经生物学, 干细胞, 神经发育障碍, 细胞重编程, 类器官, 疾病机制, 基因编辑, 男性不育, 生殖障碍, 电生理学, 表观遗传学
武汉大学, Medical School
Research Domains:
肝胆外科, 器官移植, 终末期肝病, 终末期肾病, 肝脏移植, 肾脏移植, 手术管理, 术后随访, 长期生存管理, 临床治疗
中国农业大学, Veterinary Medicine
Research Domains:
作物学, 遗传学, 育种, 小麦, 株高, 产量, 基因发现, 农艺学, 生物技术, 基因组学


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