从Asia Growth Partners和其他世界领先的专家和从业者那里了解最重要的商业和技术问题的最新想法。
我们对数字环境的演变、增长战略和策略以及亚洲充满活力的市场深感兴趣。在“洞察”中,我们发布关于这些主题的最新见解,一系列采访企业家和创新领袖的Eco Insiders Podcast。
Eco Insiders Podcast.
Welcome to Eco Insiders, a podcast about implementing sustainability in business. We talk to sustainability professionals and entrepreneurs who share the lightbulb moments that led them to pivot towards integrating sustainability into their daily work practice. They share their story, know-how, and reflections on recent applications of sustainability in business.
Join us as we learn together about the emerging landscape of sustainable business, one conversation at a time.