We work with ambitious clients who want to claim and sustain a leadership position in Asia.
Global leaders and Asian challengers come to us to achieve goals in growth strategy, innovation management, and digital transformation. Our agile and pragmatic partnership approach provides speed and flexibility that companies need when they pursue new opportunities and address new challenges.
Successful competition in Asia depends on the ability to identify emerging opportunities, quickly bring the right solution and business model to market, and develop a local ecosystem. Our projects typically involve one or more of these five business perspectives:
- 直接的商业收益
- 数字产品以特定价格出售
- 数字产品直接降低成本(例如,取代以前的手动流程)
- 间接但可量化的商业收益
- 数字产品可以对核心价值链的多个要素产生影响
- 收益大多可以量化
- 难以量化的商誉类型收益
- 数字产品可以为整体战略业务要素做出贡献
- 这些通常不容易量化,但是是取得长期成功的关键要素
- 用例:我们应该将资源集中在哪里以最大限度地发挥影响力?
- 解决方案架构:我们应该如何设计解决方案?
- 商业模式:我们如何运营商业模式和内部流程?
- 生态系统:哪些利益相关者将为我们的成功做出贡献,以及他们是如何做出贡献的?
- 哪些外部因素会影响解决方案开发、市场采用或系统部署?
processes and systems digital twin | digital thread | simulation software