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Microsoft Azure (Microsoft) > 实例探究 > 一种满足购物中心无天线的混合开关设备通信解决方案


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 A Hybrid Switchgear-Communication Solution Satisfies Shopping Center’s No-Antenn - IoT ONE Case Study
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Ascribe 总部位于英国博尔顿,是一家为医疗保健行业提供商业智能 (BI) 和以临床为重点的 IT 解决方案和服务的领先供应商。 Ascribe 估计英国 82% 的国民健康服务 (NHS) 信托机构使用其产品。由于可以访问信托机构维护的大量数据,该公司需要一种 BI 解决方案,以帮助医疗保健提供者更快地检测、预测和响应传染病和其他健康威胁的爆发。医疗保健分析师通常根据患者在诊所和医院接受治疗时收集和编码的数据进行工作。 “当他们获得这些信息时,它通常已经过时了,”Ascribe 商业智能部门负责人 Paul Henderson 说。 “数据已经编码并存储在记录保存系统中,或者是从医院工作流程中收集的,但这并不总是实时发生的。”此外,大量潜在有用的数据存在于文本文件中,这些数据来自诸如急诊室计划外就诊、学校出勤记录和零售药品销售等来源。互联网提供了另一个尚未开发的信息宝库,包括点击流分析和 Twitter 等社交媒体。 “如果你想想每个临床医生都在努力获取及时、准确的数据,然后你在全国范围内进行复合,那么这将成为一个巨大的挑战,”亨德森说。 “你有很多来自多个地方的小数据,很难汇总和解释。”

Ascribe 之前曾研究过一种解决方案,以支持对国家紧急护理出勤率的分析。该系统旨在监控每天访问英国急诊部门的人数,并在发现异常活动水平(例如可能爆发传染病)时发出警报。然而,很难从包括移动临床医生在内的快速增长的医疗保健提供者那里收集数据。此外,临床医生无法使用来自患者病例记录和社交媒体信息的海量非结构化数据。 “处理所有这些信息所需的处理能力超出了大多数组织的能力,”亨德森说。 “医院不能仅仅建立一个服务器场来处理来自急救系统的数百万个病例记录以及其他数据。”为了解决这些问题,Ascribe 决定设计一个概念验证,以创建一种标准化的方法来处理医疗保健数据。该公司要求英国最大的 NHS 信托机构之一的利兹教学医院参与该项目。利兹每年可以在其急诊部系统中生成多达 50 万条结构化记录。医院每月还生成大约 100 万份非结构化病例档案。

Ascribe 希望创建的不仅是用于在国家层面监测传染病的概念验证 BI 解决方案,而且还希望创建一种可用于改善当地护理提供者运营的工具。 “我们的目标是找到一种方法,让数据在近乎实时的情况下更快地流动,”亨德森说。 “我们还希望使用从病例记录中收集的数据来增强临床编码数据。”该公司希望创建一个国家知识库,疾病爆发后的分析师和当地临床医生都可以使用该知识库来改善医疗保健。 Ascribe 需要一个高度可扩展的端到端解决方案,该解决方案可以处理多种数据类型和数据源,并为用户提供自助式 BI 工具。


Microsoft Azure HDInsight 群集。

Ascribe 决定实施基于在本地运行的 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise 软件和在 Windows Azure 平台上运行的 Windows Azure HDInsight 服务的混合云解决方案。 Ascribe 计划利用 SQL Server 2012 中内置的 BI 工具以及多种其他产品和服务。该公司之所以选择 Microsoft,既是因为单个产品的功能,也是因为它提供了一种可以快速轻松地实施的简化的端到端解决方案。 “我们正在处理一个复杂的业务流程,其中包含许多移动部件,所有这些都可以通过无缝的 Microsoft 堆栈实现自动化,”Henderson 说。 “我们不想从不同的供应商那里购买产品并试图让它们一起工作。微软会为你解决这个问题。” Ascribe 于 2012 年 11 月开始进行概念验证 (POC),并在六周后的 12 月中旬完成了该项目。利兹随后使用该解决方案运行了一个试点项目,该解决方案于 2013 年 9 月完成。该公司创建了一个本地数据集市,其中 SQL Server 2012 在 Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 操作系统上运行,其中包括自己的临床数据和案例文件存储库来自利兹医院。在 POC 中,Ascribe 和微软合作伙伴 Two10Degrees(一家专门从事 Windows Azure 技术的公司)过滤记录以删除姓名和其他识别信息,然后再将数据发送到 Windows Azure 平台。在试点项目中,Ascribe 运行了六年的数据,这些数据记录了数百万次医院就诊,而没有过滤掉患者姓名。因此,它能够更精确地跟踪特定患者的重复住院等模式。该公司在 HDInsight 服务上建立了一个数据集市,其中包括由 Two10Degrees 创建的自然语言处理引擎。 HDInsight 服务是一种 Microsoft 大数据产品,提供基于 Apache 的 Hadoop 分发。 HDInsight Service 是一个平台,旨在处理大量结构化和非结构化数据,同时还与 Microsoft BI 工具集成并访问广泛的公共和组织数据源。 Ascribe 与 Two10Degrees 合作将非结构化文本映射到临床分类。接下来,Ascribe 查看了数据中的模式,以识别潜在的传染病爆发以及通常更难以分析的趋势,例如与酒精相关的急诊室就诊和家庭事故造成的伤害。

利兹正在使用该解决方案以多种方式改善社区医疗保健。例如,临床医生希望在大学学期假期期间每周仔细查看 300 名与酒精相关的急诊入院。医院发现,虽然有许多事故源于学生经常光顾的酒吧和区域,但在任何时间段内,急诊室就诊的人数较多是当地监狱的前囚犯。因此,这种新的 BI 技术的用户可以使用这些数据来做出基于证据的决策,决定在哪里投资资源以避免急诊室就诊,例如社区酒精意识干预。 Ascribe 还设计了几个在 Windows 8 平板电脑上运行的应用程序,包括一个用于监测疾病爆发的应用程序。 Windows 8 桌面上的活动磁贴显示实时信息。例如,用户可以查看用于监控疾病爆发的应用程序的磁贴,并立即查看系统是否已发送警报。该解决方案提供自助式 BI 工具,临床医生无需技术培训或 IT 协助即可轻松使用。点击磁贴会启动 Microsoft SharePoint 2012 仪表板,其中包括 Power View,一种交互式数据可视化功能。临床医生可以使用该工具快速关联多种类型的信息,例如人口密度、家庭规模和当地医疗服务的可用性。此外,Windows 8 应用程序与 Bing 地图集成以显示报告疾病的地理分布。临床医生可以触摸地图以深入了解每位确诊患者的详细信息。如果临床医生需要与同行协作,该解决方案还结合了 Microsoft Lync 技术,用于安全的即时消息传递和电话会议。该解决方案还与 Microsoft Office 2013 集成,提供多种通过文档、电子表格和电子邮件共享信息的方式。对于有兴趣提高效率的本地医疗保健提供者,该公司在 SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services 中创建了多维数据集,用于聚合来自临床数据库、病例文件和社交信息源的数据。使用 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for Excel,用户可以快速分析大型数据集并预测趋势,例如与人员跌倒造成的伤害增加相关的环境温度波动。除了分析应用程序之外,该解决方案还包括 Ascribe Symphony 软件,这是一个丰富的临床解决方案,可帮助临床医生在高压紧急环境中提供高质量的医疗保健服务。 Symphony 软件在全球范围内使用,可捕获患者位置和状况等数据。 Customer Story Customer Story.html[4/17/2015 9:38:45 AM] 收集的信息包括结构化数据,例如选定的治疗类型以及非结构化的文本案例注释,然后可以使用新的BI 工具。

  • Unlocks Data and Transforms Healthcare.

    By working with an end-to-end stack of software and cloud-based service, Ascribe quickly provided a Big Data solution with BI tools that can improve healthcare at the local and national levels. “This is a new paradigm,” says Henderson. “With a solution based on SQL Server 2012 and Windows Azure HDInsight Service, we can capture and analyze data written in plain English and use it to improve services, instead of waiting for a resource-hungry process to collect and code the information. This will reinvent the way we work with medical records in the future.” Provides Better Self-Service BI By taking advantage of HDInsight Service, Ascribe created a complex hybrid cloud solution that can quickly process large volumes of data from multiple sources. The solution—which includes selfservice BI tools and a dynamic, streamlined user interface—will be an invaluable tool for healthcare providers in virtually any location. “With a solution based on SQL Server 2012, we can show our customers a Windows 8 tablet with apps that provide real-time access to healthcare data,” says Henderson. “We can immediately provide them with a mobile clinical portal that can be used anywhere.” Ascribe looks forward to further cloud-based opportunities, including moving more workloads off-premises to Windows Azure. For example, the company is currently working with six hospitals in northeast England that wanted data- modeling and analysis capabilities. Ascribe quickly set up a self-service portal with Power BI for Office 365, an online service that can be used for interactive reporting. The service is available as part of Office 365, which provides a suite of web-based productivity applications.

  • Improves Efficiency and Cuts Costs
    By using natural-language processing and patient-level data in the pilot project, the team identified 30 distinct scenarios where the hospital would be able to improve operations and reduce costs. “There are huge efficiency savings to be had from taking slates to a bedside and updating the patient record there,” says Andy Webster, Lead Clinician, Emergency Department at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. “There are significant potential savings with reduced stationery and printing costs, which would amount to £20,000 per year as a conservative estimate in Leeds.” Leeds looks forward to transforming its operations in several scenarios. For example, the hospital can now look at case notes and identify costly services such as tests that were not recorded in clinical databases. Before, without a way to extract unstructured data, the hospital had been unable to request compensation from healthcare trusts. “We discovered that we had been losing money by not accurately recording and charging for diagnostic tests, such as CT scans, in our clinical software in a way that could then be picked up by those who do the billing,” says Iain MacBrairdy, Business Manager, Emergency Medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Now, instead of absorbing the loss, Leeds can recoup the expense. “The difference between a routine emergency room visit without tests and one that had testing performed is approximately £200. If you have a quarter of a million attendees annually and miss only a small percentage of those tests, it’ll add up,” says Henderson. “With a natural-language-processing solution based on Windows Azure, the hospital will be able to reclaim the funds and drive down costs.”​

  • Speeds Response to Health Threats

    more easily with peers. “If you’re looking at the spread of infectious disease on the national level, you want to figure out what is happening as quickly as possible,” says Henderson. “With our solution based on Microsoft technology, clinicians can jump from an alert on their Windows 8 desktop to a map in SQL Server 2012 Power View that shows the progression of a disease. The ability to analyze millions of records in seconds is immensely powerful.” Access to a cloud-based platform for distributed computing also speeds analysis, helps reduce costs, and makes data more accessible—all of which Ascribe demonstrated in the pilot project at Leeds. “We quickly spun up the Windows Azure HDInsight cluster and processed six years’ worth of data in just a few hours, and then we shut it down,” says Henderson. “This type of analysis is beyond most organizations’ ability because of the costs required for on-premises infrastructure. However, processing the data in the cloud made it very affordable.”​

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