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Altair > 实例探究 > 未来建筑的愿景:设计 LAVA 仿生塔

未来建筑的愿景:设计 LAVA 仿生塔

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  • 传感器 - 温度传感器
  • 可穿戴设备 - 外骨骼
  • 建筑物
  • 建筑与基础设施
  • 采购
  • 产品研发
  • 楼宇自动化与控制
  • 结构健康监测
本案例研究中的客户是 Visionary Architecture 实验室 (LAVA)。 LAVA 将自然组织模式与未来技术相结合,以发展结构并以更少的材料实现更高效的架构。 LAVA 致力于探索和创造新的设计形式,在每个建筑项目中增强现实感并反映环境。 LAVA 已完成各种项目,从装置到城市中心,从家具到机场。仿生塔是 LAVA 未来建筑愿景的象征。该设计将自然的组织系统与先进的计算技术相结合,实现了极致轻盈、高效和精致的建筑表达。
仿生塔是阿布扎比的一座高层塔楼方案,由愿景建筑实验室 (LAVA) 设计,是 LAVA 对未来建筑愿景的象征。该设计将自然的组织系统与先进的计算技术相结合,实现了极致轻盈、高效和精致的建筑表达。该建筑的结构表现是一种拟议的有机外骨骼,其作用是在结构上稳定建筑物。主要挑战是生成一种独特的结构形式,该结构形式重量轻且外观有机,以实现自由形式的外骨骼结构。
利兹大学土木工程学院硕士学位课程的毕业生 James Kingman 采用 LAVA 提供的 CAD 模型的几何形状,并使用 Altair HyperWorks 创建了自己的有限元模型。将载荷和边界条件应用于代表重力和环境载荷以及理想基础支撑的模型。他将建筑结构概念化为由外部外骨骼支撑的中央核心。他使用 Altair 的结构分析和优化求解器 Optistruct 进行了一系列研究,以研究如何使用拓扑优化来开发外骨骼结构的设计。整个建筑围护结构被定义为拓扑优化中的一个可设计域。进行了敏感性研究,发现标称尺寸约为一米的有限元产生了令人满意的结果。自动网格生成过程创建了由大约 100,000 个有限元组成的网格。
  • The results of the topology optimization studies were interesting both architecturally and structurally. When gravity loading was considered in isolation, a structure similar to tree roots emerged; whereas when wind loading was considered, the emerging structure had a much more skeletal appearance. Varying the relative magnitudes of the two loads gave rise to numerous optimal “compromises” between the two extremes. This enables the structural engineer to assess and examine the sensitivity of the optimal structure to the relative magnitude of the two load cases. By gradually reducing the permissible volume of material in the final design, the most critical load paths could be identified down the exterior envelope of the building. Varying the permissible volume of material is suggested as a very powerful tool for structural engineers to understand complex load paths. Topology optimization was found to be widely applicable to the unique problems of designing a high-rise structure with challenging architectural requirements. It was found that the topology optimization technique is at a sufficient stage of maturity for rapid studies to be conducted as is required in early stage design.
  • Easy design of complex geometries
  • Precise load bearing structure prediction
  • Improved structurally feasibility

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