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Avid Technology > 实例探究 > Aaron Alter:与西贝柳斯一起加速音乐创作

Aaron Alter:与西贝柳斯一起加速音乐创作

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  • 智慧校园
亚伦·阿尔特 (Aaron Alter) 是一位作曲家,其作品曾在美国和欧洲演奏。他通过各种平台保持在线形象,包括 Facebook、SoundCloud、ReverbNation 和他自己的网站。他还是加州卡尔斯巴德艺术之友的董事会成员。尽管亚伦在音乐领域取得了成功,但他还拥有自己的公司的“现实世界”职业生涯,担任知名软件和工程顾问。他在芝加哥长大,在爵士和摇滚乐队中弹钢琴,后来在西北大学和普林斯顿大学学习。他获得了波士顿交响乐团坦格伍德音乐节的奖学金和纽约州艺术委员会的资助。
作曲家兼技术顾问亚伦·阿尔特 (Aaron Alter) 面临着为现代表演和录音创作音乐的挑战,同时又要维持自己的全职职业生涯。尽管由于咨询工作要求很高,时间有限,但他需要在音乐行业建立创造性的影响力。传统的作曲方法需要手工编写所有内容,既耗时又低效。这使得他很难扩展他作为作曲家的第二职业生涯并定期创作新音乐。
Aaron 使用音乐记谱软件 Sibelius 来加快他的音乐创作过程。该软件的多功能、直观的评分和乐谱工具使他能够更快地创建乐谱,从而扩展了他的创作潜力。西贝柳斯“摆脱困境”并让他创作的独特能力尤其有益。其功能,例如拖动连线、进行多次编辑、创建动态标记以及生成专业乐谱和乐谱的能力,对于快速进行更改至关重要。这使得亚伦能够更快地将他的音乐呈现在演奏者面前,并根据表演者和导演所需的动态标记和细微差别对其进行定制。该软件的快速访问键盘命令和可定制的布局功能也有助于加快合成过程。
  • Sibelius has had a significant impact on Aaron's music composition process. It has not only sped up the process but also enhanced the quality of his compositions. The software's intuitive tools have allowed him to explore new sounds and harmonies, influencing his compositions and bringing a new style and energy to his music. His recent works, such as the 'My New Beginning' series, have been recognized in competitions, demonstrating the quality of music he has been able to produce using Sibelius. Furthermore, the software has enabled him to clearly communicate the message behind his music, making it easier for performers to interpret and play his pieces. Overall, Sibelius has been instrumental in helping Aaron pursue his passion for music while maintaining his full-time career.
  • Sibelius has enabled Aaron to compose music in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional methods.
  • The software's features have allowed him to make multiple edits across staves and sections, publish different orchestrations, and create professional scores and sheets quickly.
  • Sibelius has helped Aaron expand his second career as a composer, with his pieces being played across the US and Europe.

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