- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 机器人 - 轮式机器人
- 电信
- 销售与市场营销
- 时间敏感网络
该品牌是一个移动支付平台,通过其市场上 4,000 多个品牌的销售和优惠券提供即时现金返还和节省。
该在线市场品牌仅通过电话和电子邮件提供客户支持,周转时间很差,滞后于 12 至 24 小时。由于电子商务行业的空前增长,该品牌的支持团队变得不堪重负,导致士气低落、人员流动率高以及负面的客户体验。
该品牌实施了对话式人工智能平台 Ada,为大规模客户提供 24/7 即时支持。 Ada 的无代码平台使该品牌的非技术 CX 团队能够快速构建和部署对话式 AI,作为支持的前线。 Ada 还与 Salesforce Live Agent 集成,使聊天机器人能够在需要时将交互升级为人工支持。此外,Ada 还部署在 Facebook Messenger 上,以便通过社交媒体与客户建立联系。
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Case Study
Vodafone Hosted On AWS
Vodafone found that traffic for the applications peak during the four-month period when the international cricket season is at its height in Australia. During the 2011/2012 cricket season, 700,000 consumers downloaded the Cricket Live Australia application. Vodafone needed to be able to meet customer demand, but didn’t want to invest in additional resources that would be underutilized during cricket’s off-season.

Case Study
SKT, Construction of Smart Office Environment
SK T-Tower is the headquarters of SK Telecom. Inside the building, different types of mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, are in use, and with the increase in WLAN traffic and the use of quality multimedia data, the volume of wireless data sees an explosive growth. Users want limitless Internet access in various places in addition to designated areas.