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Amazon 借助 AWS 实现数据库自由之旅

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亚马逊是一家全球在线零售巨头,以其领先技术的使用而闻名。该公司诞生于这样一个时代:Oracle 等整体式本地数据库解决方案成为企业级数据存储和管理的标准。然而,随着公司的发展,其 Oracle 数据库面临着越来越多的挑战,包括复杂的管理、配置和容量规划以及不断上升的成本。 Amazon 的快速增长轨迹需要更多的 Oracle 数据库分片,从而导致运营和维护开销增加。该公司还面临着 Oracle 许可成本的大幅增加。尽管存在这些挑战,亚马逊仍必须考虑迁移到 AWS 的潜在风险,包括对基于 Oracle 数据库平台的员工的影响。
亚马逊尽管是一家领先的科技公司,但仍在使用 Oracle 数据库进行数据存储和管理。该公司诞生于 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 出现之前,当时 Oracle 等整体式本地数据库解决方案已成为企业级数据管理的常态。然而,脱离甲骨文带来了重大挑战。亚马逊拥有 5,000 多个数据库,这些数据库连接到各种非标准化系统,其所有权和依赖关系并未集中盘点。还有与人员相关的风险,因为许多亚马逊员工的职业生涯都是基于甲骨文数据库平台的。此外,亚马逊工程师在复杂的数据库管理、配置和容量规划上花费了大量时间。公司的快速增长需要更多的Oracle数据库分片,增加了运维开销。此外,继续使用 Oracle 将使亚马逊已经为其许可支付的数百万美元每年增加 10%,令人震惊。
Amazon 启动了一项为期多年的计划,将其数据从 Oracle 数据库迁移到 AWS。该公司面临两个主要挑战:大规模项目管理和迁移的技术复杂性。为了解决这些问题,亚马逊创建了一个企业项目管理办公室(PMO)来设定明确的绩效要求并跟踪进度。还成立了由经验丰富的解决方案架构师和数据库工程师组成的AWS技术核心团队。该团队为从 Oracle 迁移的各类 Amazon 数据推荐了最佳的 AWS 服务,包括 Amazon DynamoDB、Amazon Aurora、Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)、适用于 PostgreSQL 或 MySQL 的 Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)、AWS 数据库迁移服务 (AWS DMS) 和 AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT)。该团队还提供有关特定 AWS 服务的正式指导、运行实践实验室、提供一对一咨询,并协调 AWS 产品团队为遇到特定挑战的 Amazon 企业提供直接帮助。 Amazon 还考虑了如何帮助其 Oracle 数据库管理员过渡到新的职业道路,要么获得成为 AWS 解决方案架构师所需的技能,要么担任管理角色。
  • The migration to AWS has greatly reduced Amazon's database-administration and hardware-management overhead. Cost allocation across teams is now much simpler than before. During the migration, service teams also took the opportunity to further stabilize services, eliminate technical debt, and fully document all code and dependencies. Amazon also thought carefully about how best to help its Oracle database administrators transition onto the new career paths now open to them. One option was to help them gain the skills necessary to become AWS solutions architects. Another was a managerial role in which an Oracle background would be helpful during the ongoing process of bridging traditional Oracle-based environments and AWS Cloud environments. The success of this migration serves as a lesson for other large enterprises contemplating a similar move.
  • Amazon's annual database operating costs were cut by more than half after migrating to AWS.
  • Most of the services that were replatformed to Amazon DynamoDB saw a 40-percent reduction in latency, despite now handling twice the volume of transactions.
  • The migration affected 800 services, thousands of microservices, tens of thousands of employees, and millions of customers, resulting in an AWS database footprint for Amazon larger than for 90 percent of its fellow AWS customers.

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