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实例探究 > 人工智能、机器学习和深度学习 |戴尔易安信

人工智能、机器学习和深度学习 |戴尔易安信

 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning | Dell EMC - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 分析与建模 - 机器学习
  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库



数据正以惊人的速度增长,手动充分利用它来获得洞察力是不可能的。自动化可以帮助提供更快、更好和更深入的数据洞察力。适用于 AI、机器和深度学习的 Dell EMC 就绪型解决方案可以为需要快速进行的大量计算(例如面部识别)提供所需的处理能力。随着自动图像和模式检测的速度,这些解决方案可以帮助提供更好的数据洞察力。借助历史数据集,您可以更深入地了解购买行为等情况。


一些公有云提供商收取数据获取费用,而对于图像识别和欺诈检测等更深入的洞察所需的大型数据集,这可能会很快变得昂贵。适用于 AI、机器和深度学习的 Dell EMC Ready 解决方案可以降低与将大量数据移入和移出云相关的成本,同时最大限度地降低风险。


人工智能和相关计算范式正在迅速出现,没有多少组织有时间或资源来培养设计、部署和管理先进机器和深度学习解决方案所需的技能。 Dell EMC HPC 创新实验室团队始终走在 AI 的前沿,测试新技术并调整算法和应用程序,以帮助您跟上不断发展的形势。这个由行业和技术专家组成的团队可以通过缩短设计周期和配置时间来帮助您更快地获得结果。这些专家可以与您合作,以合适的价格创建具有合适功能的解决方案。您甚至可以在一个客户解决方案中心或 Dell EMC 的全球 HPC 创新中心之一,通过概念验证通过 HPC 创新实验室进行试驾。


带有 Hadoop 的 Dell EMC 机器学习就绪包


Dell EMC Machine Learning Ready Bundle with Hadoop 建立在与 Cloudera® 和 Hortonworks® 合作创建的经过测试和验证的 Dell EMC Ready Bundles for Hadoop 的强大功能之上。该解决方案包括优化的解决方案堆栈以及数据科学和框架优化,因此您可以快速启动和运行。

如果您正在运行 Apache® Spark®,则可以利用适用于 Apache Spark 的 BigDL 分布式深度学习库,更快地启用机器学习,并使非专业大数据用户和数据科学家更容易访问深度学习. BigDL 集成到 Apache Hadoop® 框架和工具中,可在存储数据的同一 Hadoop/Spark 集群上实现深度学习。

该解决方案还利用 DataRobot®,这是一种先进的企业自动化机器学习解决方案,它封装了世界领先数据科学家的知识、经验和最佳实践,使您能够快速轻松地构建高度准确的预测模型,而无需以前的编码和机器学习技能。

通过机器学习简化 Hadoop 环境的设计、架构、部署和配置。

  • 获得商业洞察力以建立独特的竞争优势。
  • 大大减少尝试构建、架构和维护机器学习解决方案所花费的时间、精力和资源。
  • 利用 Dell EMC 服务帮助弥合数据科学、IT 和业务线之间的差距。
  • Faster, better and deeper insights

    Data scientists, developers and researchers are using machine learning to gain insights previously out of reach. Programs that learn from experience are helping them discover how the human genome works, understand consumer behavior to a degree never before possible, and build systems for purchase recommendations, image recognition and fraud prevention, among other uses. Dell EMC machine and deep learning solutions empower you to identify patterns, analyze vast amounts of data and automate tasks so you can get insights faster, better and deeper.

  • Enhanced efficiency and security

    While it’s a multi-cloud world, the data-intensive workloads associated with machine and deep learning are not always best suited to running in the cloud. By making on-premises solutions obtainable for enterprises of all sizes, Dell EMC Ready Solutions for Machine and Deep Learning can help optimize the efficiency and security in AI, machine and deep learning environments both on- and off-premises.

  • Trusted expertise

    The Dell EMC HPC Innovation Lab team of engineers continually tests new technologies and works collaboratively to tune solutions for industry-leading applications. In addition to world-class engineers, the HPC Innovation Lab has a TOP500 supercomputer and extensive industry partnerships, bringing together a community of the brightest minds focused on using AI, machine and deep learning. The knowledge and experience of Dell EMC and its strong ecosystem of technology partners can help you get started with machine and deep learning solutions quickly.

  • Dell EMC is making machine and deep learning possible in a more meaningful way — with more powerful processors and faster computing capability — to make this technology achievable for businesses in a wide range of industries.

  • Dell EMC engineers can work with you to create solutions that can dramatically accelerate results in AI, machine and deep learning environments . Our machine and deep learning solutions are based on a scalable building-block approach, so the solutions you buy today can grow to meet your needs in the future.

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