- 网络安全和隐私 - 恶意软件保护
- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
- 建筑物
- 国家安全与国防
- 采购
- 产品研发
- 网络安全
- 篡改检测
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
- 培训
Ayesa 是一家西班牙跨国公司,专门从事工程、技术和咨询业务。它是全球 100 强工程集团之一,具有重要的国际影响力,占其营业额的近一半。该公司成立于 1966 年,至今已拥有超过 4,700 名员工。 Ayesa 在欧洲、美洲、非洲和亚洲设有 17 个常设办事处。该公司采用数字工作站来提高生产力、加速创新并促进全球近 5,000 名员工的决策和项目开发。
Ayesa 是一家专门从事工程、技术和咨询业务的西班牙跨国公司,在保护其基于云的 SaaS 应用程序(特别是 Microsoft Office 365)免受复杂的网络威胁方面面临着重大挑战。该公司需要保护用户身份和凭据免受有针对性的攻击。 Ayesa 已迁移到云端,以提高其全球近 5,000 名员工的生产力并促进决策和项目开发。尽管拥有微软提供的标准保护措施和集成安全措施,Ayesa 仍然容易受到网络威胁。研究表明,SaaS 应用程序上 90% 的数据泄露是由于有针对性的攻击而造成的,而使用 SaaS 的公司中 50% 的泄露发生在攻击者控制帐户并泄露员工的公司凭据时。
为了应对这些挑战,Ayesa 寻求一种解决方案来更好地保护其云中的电子邮件。该公司联系了多家市场领先的提供商,并受 Check Point 邀请参加其 CloudGuard SaaS 解决方案的试点测试。在概念验证的开发过程中,Check Point 发布了 CloudGuard SaaS 套件的新版身份保护,将公司的保护范围扩展到所有基于云的 SaaS 应用程序,包括 Microsoft Office 365、OneDrive 和 Share Point。概念验证表明,CloudGuard 可以立即检测到各种类型的大量攻击,包括专门针对 Ayesa 发起的攻击。该解决方案还检测未经授权的 SaaS 应用程序使用,避免数据丢失,同时提供威胁的即时可见性。
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Case Study
Energy Saving & Power Monitoring System
Recently a university in Taiwan was experiencing dramatic power usage increases due to its growing number of campus buildings and students. Aiming to analyze their power consumption and increase their power efficiency across 52 buildings, the university wanted to build a power management system utilizing web-based hardware and software. With these goals in mind, they contacted Advantech to help them develop their system and provide them with the means to save energy in the years to come.
Case Study
Intelligent Building Automation System and Energy Saving Solution
One of the most difficult problems facing the world is conserving energy in buildings. However, it is not easy to have a cost-effective solution to reduce energy usage in a building. One solution for saving energy is to implement an intelligent building automation system (BAS) which can be controlled according to its schedule. In Indonesia a large university with a five floor building and 22 classrooms wanted to save the amount of energy being used.
Case Study
Powering Smart Home Automation solutions with IoT for Energy conservation
Many industry leaders that offer Smart Energy Management products & solutions face challenges including:How to build a scalable platform that can automatically scale-up to on-board ‘n’ number of Smart home devicesData security, solution availability, and reliability are the other critical factors to deal withHow to create a robust common IoT platform that handles any kind of smart devicesHow to enable data management capabilities that would help in intelligent decision-making
Case Study
Protecting a Stadium from Hazardous Materials Using IoT2cell's Mobility Platform
There was a need for higher security at the AT&T Stadium during the NFL draft. There was a need to ensure that nuclear radiation material was not smuggled inside the stadium. Hazmat materials could often be missed in a standard checkpoint when gaining entry into a stadium.
Case Study
Commercial Building Automation Boosts Energy Efficiency
One of the challenges to building automation is the multitude of non-interoperable communications protocols that have evolved over the years. Buildings have several islands of automation. Bridging the islands of different automation without losing the considerable investment in each specialized control network is the main focus in this solution.