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Hitachi Vantara (Hitachi) > 实例探究 > 数据驱动的可持续农业:日立的 Lumada 和 Bartle Frere Bananas

数据驱动的可持续农业:日立的 Lumada 和 Bartle Frere Bananas

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Bartle Frere Bananas 是一家中型、多代经营的农场,位于澳大利亚昆士兰州远北地区。该农场向小型市场和主要杂货连锁店供货。其所有者 Gavin Devaney 因其采用最佳管理实践和创新技术解决方案而获得未来农业奖。 Devaney 致力于负责任和可持续的农业,平衡施肥、灌溉和生产力,同时成为土地的好管家。他是数据驱动可持续智能农业项目的一部分,该项目旨在改善澳大利亚园艺部门的环境成果和生产力。 Devaney 的最终愿景是通过对每一串 Bartle Frere 香蕉从围场、供应链到市场的整个过程保持透明,从而获得市场和消费者的信心。
Bartle Frere Bananas 是澳大利亚远北昆士兰州的一个中型、多代农场,其使命是改善澳大利亚园艺行业的环境成果和生产力。该农场为小型市场和大型杂货连锁店供货,但面临着极端天气系统、洪水和运营成本上升等挑战。业主加文·德瓦尼 (Gavin Devaney) 致力于负责任和可持续的农业,这意味着在成为土地的好管家的同时,平衡施肥、灌溉和生产力。该农场希望从整个运营过程中收集数据并生成见解,为最佳管理实践、生产力、法规遵从性和可持续性提供信息。 Devaney 希望证明他的运营遵循了农业行业的最佳管理实践,并证明 Bartle Frere Bananas 的香蕉是以更具创新性和可持续性的方式精心种植的。
Hitachi Vantara 与 Bartle Frere Bananas 和 Applied Horticulture Research 合作开发智能农业解决方案。该解决方案涉及实时灌溉数据、土壤湿度、在线硝酸盐浸出数据以及天气监测和预报的关联,为园艺最佳实践提供信息。它需要定制软件开发和专为园艺用例设计的 Hitachi Lumada Manufacturing Insights 配置。该实施需要集成来自数十个来源的传感器数据,包括气象站、与云平台的连接、数据管理、高级数据分析以及可行见解的呈现。 Hitachi Vantara 提供整体解决方案设计、传感器和其他技术的采购以及实施,包括数据捕获、边缘计算、传感器和跟踪器、高级分析和输出接口。所有这些数据均通过农场办公室的 Hitachi Vantara Control Tower 解决方案用户界面以数据、警报和规范性见解的形式进行分析和直观呈现,为日常管理决策和长期规划提供信息。
  • The implementation of the smart farming solution has transformed the operations at Bartle Frere Bananas. Data now informs the entire harvest calendar at the farm. Every morning, Devaney checks the visualizations and decision support, starting with irrigation. Weather tracking, forecasting, soil moisture sensors, and AI modeling enable Devaney to determine how much, when, and precisely where controlled irrigation is required. This has resulted in reduced water waste, healthier plants, and energy cost savings since irrigation pumps are only run when necessary. Devaney now tracks the timing and location of labor movements, plant management at all stages of production, nutrient and sediment movement, product management, and environmental and atmospheric changes. When combined, this data tells Devaney a detailed story on his paddocks and plants, and allows him to make informed decisions on his crop and business management. Analytics and prescriptive insights from Hitachi’s Lumada Manufacturing Insights suite help predict when the fruit will reach maturity and assist with responsible pest and disease management. Devaney has also seen a vast reduction in paperwork and administration.
  • Proved that best-practice farming methods minimize nitrate run-off
  • Optimized fertilization and irrigation
  • Increased operational productivity through data-driven planning

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