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Writer > 实例探究 > Ellevest 的社区驱动内容策略:通过人工智能赋予女性权力

Ellevest 的社区驱动内容策略:通过人工智能赋予女性权力

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  • 公共交通管理
  • 语音识别
  • 培训
Ellevest 是一家金融服务公司,由华尔街巨头 Sallie Krawcheck 创立。该公司的诞生源于这样一种认识:金融服务行业是由男性为男性建立的,而女性则被抛在了后面。 Ellevest 的使命是为女性和其他因性别认同而落后的人提供更多的钱。该公司的内容策略是社区驱动的、由女性为女性打造的。 Ellevest 拥有一支全女性品牌营销团队,包括高级编辑兼内容策略师 Deedi Brown 和高级品牌文案兼策略师 Kate Gustafson。该公司致力于维护精心设计、包容性、交叉性的风格指南,具有同理心、相关性和基于事实。
Ellevest 是一家金融服务公司,在保持其独特的品牌声音和涵盖所有内容的包容性风格指南方面面临着重大挑战。该公司的内容战略是由女性为女性制定的,旨在解决金融服务行业的性别差距。然而,该公司在内容创建过程中遇到了效率低下和瓶颈的问题。公司的大部分品牌声音和风格指南知识都由在公司工作多年的一些人掌握。这种情况造成了瓶颈,因为只有这些人才能有效地编辑内容,以确保其符合公司的声音和风格指南。我们面临的挑战是找到一种方法来更快地培训更多人了解风格指南,释放这些瓶颈,并授权更多团队成员创建准确代表品牌的内容。
Ellevest 求助于企业级生成式人工智能平台 Writer 来应对这些挑战。 Writer 用于培训作家了解 Ellevest 不断发展的声音和包容性的风格指南,确保所有内容,即使是那些没有经过正式编辑过程的内容,仍然符合 Ellevest 的品牌准则。人工智能平台还用于跨团队协作开发新内容以及出于合规性目的。作家培训安全地基于公司自己提供的数据进行,包括他们表现最好的博客文章、登陆页面、PPC 广告、电子邮件和社交媒体内容。这种方法确保了生成的内容是一致的且符合品牌的,无论初始文本来自人类还是人工智能。 Writer 的使用还使 Ellevest 能够将社区的反馈纳入其内容策略中,确保其内容与受众产生共鸣,并使他们感到与 Ellevest 品牌有联系。
  • The use of Writer has had significant operational benefits for Ellevest. The AI platform has enabled the company to maintain its unique brand voice and inclusive style guide across all its content, regardless of who created it. This consistency has been crucial in ensuring that Ellevest's content resonates with its target audience and makes them feel connected to the brand. The use of Writer has also allowed Ellevest to incorporate feedback from their community into their content strategy, ensuring that their content is always relevant and engaging. Furthermore, the use of Writer has increased the efficiency of Ellevest's content creation process, allowing them to produce more content and reach their goals more effectively. Overall, the use of Writer has empowered Ellevest to continue its mission of getting more money in the hands of women and others left behind because of their gender identities.
  • Ellevest was able to train more writers on their style guide more quickly, reducing bottlenecks in the content creation process.
  • The use of Writer allowed Ellevest to maintain consistency in their brand voice across all content, regardless of who created it.
  • Ellevest was able to increase the efficiency of their content creation process, allowing them to produce more content and reach their goals more effectively.

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