GreenRoad Technologies > 实例探究 > Metroline 使用 GreenRoad 和 Blink

Metroline 使用 GreenRoad 和 Blink

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 Empowering Driver Safety: Metroline's Adoption of GreenRoad and Blink - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
  • 传感器 - 自动驾驶传感器
  • 教育
  • 电信
  • 人力资源
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 驾驶员表现监测
  • 现场人员安全管理
  • 系统集成
  • 培训

Metroline是一家在大伦敦和南赫特福德郡运营服务的巴士公司。它是康福德高公司的子公司,根据与伦敦交通局签订的合同运营服务。截至 2021 年 3 月,车队由 1,532 辆巴士组成,是伦敦第三大巴士运营商。


2015 年,拥有 4,100 名司机和 1,600 辆汽车的伦敦最大的公交公司之一 Metroline 开始在四个车站使用 GreenRoad,以补充另一个在业务其他地方使用的远程信息处理系统。五年后的 2020 年,Metroline 选择了 GreenRoad 作为其在伦敦的整个巴士车队。


事实证明,在整个 Metroline 部署 GreenRoad 更多的是关于员工关系而不是技术细节。 Metroline 的目标是获得广泛的支持,不仅来自司机和运营经理,更重要的是来自工会和公司内所有其他部门的支持。

由于司机对远程信息处理有广泛的意见,让他们参与是 Metroline 的 GreenRoad 实施团队的一个关键优先事项。绿色安全分数在排行榜上公布,司机密切关注他们在排名中的位置。

与 Metroline 的内部企业通信平台 Blink 集成也是 GreenRoad 的一个重要优先事项。每位驾驶员的 GreenRoad 安全分数、团队排名、个性化安全提示和其他信息会自动显示在他们的 Blink 仪表板上,以及班次时间表、道路封闭更新和 Blink 提供的其他信息。 Blink 的消息和通信渠道还使驾驶员可以轻松地分享他们的统计数据、相互讨论他们的分数并回答他们的问题。

  • The implementation of GreenRoad and its integration with Blink has resulted in a positive reception from Metroline’s frontline staff. The system is easy for the drivers to use, and it feels fair because they can understand it. Drivers are able to look at the data themselves, and see the areas where they can improve. They can go to their GreenRoad Champion and get relevant advice. Drivers can focus their energy on becoming safer, and this benefits everyone within the company and on the road. The GreenRoad Platform provides drivers with a simple metric for rating their skill: the GreenRoad Safety Score. Drivers use Safety Scores to track their own progress, and managers use them to pinpoint issues and fine-tune training. Fleets also use Safety Scores for 'friendly competitions' and award schemes.
  • Improvement in Safety Scores: The average safety score improved from around the 50-60 mark to 19, a 65% improvement in safety events in a very short time.
  • Reduction in insurance costs: Metroline aims to leverage improved safety scores to secure reductions in their insurance premiums.
  • Improved training: 'GreenRoad Champions' have been appointed in every depot who lead by example and who are available to answer questions.

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