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Sirqul, Inc > 实例探究 > 在美国最大的体育场之一吸引球迷


Sirqul, Inc Logo
 Engaging Fans at one of the Largest Stadiums in the USA - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 分析与建模 - 实时分析
  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据可视化
  • 网络与连接 - 蓝牙
  • 网络与连接 - 蜂窝
  • 网络与连接 - WiFi
  • 传感器 - 生物识别传感器
  • 传感器 - 相机/视频系统
  • 商业运营
  • 行为与情绪追踪

吸引和取悦粉丝已成为第一要务。然而,直到 Sirqul 才发现体育场内球迷的身份和行为。此外,历史上独立的移动应用程序的渗透率只有 5-30%,因此场馆的数据、洞察力和与粉丝本身的互动很少。



智能设备在不到一天的时间内部署完毕,并连接到 Sirqul 仪表板以进行实时分析、报告、触发和可视化。 Sirqul Smart Stadium 解决方案成功跟踪了超过 72,000 名球迷从门票被撕毁的那一刻起的客户旅程。


  1. 将粉丝映射到撕毁的门票
  2. 使用入口/出口的大门停留时间
  3. 在 VIP 部分、儿童体验和第 3 方赞助激活区域内最活跃的区域进行微发现
  4. 季票持有者的客户旅程
  5. 时间和流程的游览优化
  6. 工作人员和安全安置
  7. 新粉丝与老粉丝
  8. 按产品兴趣与转化率划分的团队商店流量
  9. 食品、饮料和洗手间等待时间
  10. 生物识别、购买付款处理和酒精年龄验证
Facility Management, Payment, Security and access, Tracking Of People
  • [Financial Growth - Revenue]
    The Smart Stadium Solution analysis that Sirqul completed revealed that there are minor changes that can be made to signage, changes to the placement of staff at key locations at specific times, and other simple things that could be accomplished, measured, and tuned to significantly increase fan delight and drive more revenue at each event. Sirqul believes that by reducing the length of lines, more commerce and purchases will be made. If lines are long, there is abandonment and a reluctance to leave one’s seat for fear of missing time watching the game and socializing with other fans. We saw clear ways to reduce line capacity.
  • [Data Management - Data Analysis]
    Stadiums can start to identify Season ticket holders and VIPs within their venue. Knowing a ticket holder's behavior and identity helps to further the fan experience and create a connected loyalty program. The Smart Stadium Solution allows Sirqul to provide venues with information related to any mobile device that has appeared in the past to see if there are any changes in behavior per visit. The effectiveness of a marketing promotion, staff placement, food sales, and the concept of variable pricing for advertisements and sponsorships can all be associated with the results from our analysis. The key to increasing revenue generated per event is understanding identity, location, and intent.
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
    Food & beverage concessions and retail merchants are now connected and can deliver value to where the fan is located by offering in-seat delivery or for pick-up at a designated location.
  • Improved navigation and traffic flow by instructing digital signage to convey different information based upon nearby population densities, allowing for a better fan experience at ingress/egress and throughout the venue

  • Create new revenue streams and effectively measure the value of high-profile sports sponsorships with VIP experiences and advertising

  • Increase F&B and merchandise sales with location data to offer in-seat delivery and in-store pick-up alternatives. Additionally, pinpoint locations and timing for additional kiosk locations.

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