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Tadcaster Grammar School (TGS) 是一所位于英格兰北约克郡的充满活力的教育机构。学校招收超过 1500 名 11 至 18 岁的学生。TGS 尤其以其设计与技术系而闻名,该系已成为越来越受学生欢迎的学科领域。学校致力于为学生提供最好的资源和工具,帮助他们在所选领域取得优异成绩。就设计与技术专业而言,学校决定投资行业标准软件以增强学生的学习体验和成果,证明了这一承诺。
位于英格兰北约克郡的 Tadcaster 文法学校 (TGS) 是一所繁忙的教育机构,拥有 1500 多名 11 至 18 岁的学生。学校的设计与技术部门面临着重大挑战。学生们,尤其是那些对平面设计感兴趣的学生,缺乏必要的软件工具来创作出最好的作品。学校使用两三个不同的软件包,不仅耗时,而且需要老师在不同的平台上对学生进行培训。这种情况将学生的注意力从他们的项目转移到学习如何使用该软件。此外,现有的软件与学校的设计设备(例如激光切割机和绘图仪)不兼容。这种不兼容导致了大量的重新格式化,导致时间和精力的浪费,并给学生和老师带来了挫败感。学校认识到需要一个全面的解决方案来解决这些问题,特别是兼容性问题。
学校决定购买 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite CTL Education,这是一款结合了学生制作顶级设计作品所需的所有功能的软件包。该软件不仅与所有必要的设计设备兼容,而且物超所值。Corel 软件对学生来说更容易使用,并且与学校的激光切割机兼容,激光切割机是许多学生项目的关键工具。这些项目范围从设计糖果包装到销售点展示,甚至棋盘游戏。学生可以使用 CorelDRAW 设计和将图形、徽标和图像添加到网络,然后可以将其发送到激光切割机,而无需重新格式化或切换软件。该软件也比以前的软件更直观,使学生更容易使用。此外,它使学生能够创作更高质量的作品,从而有可能提高他们在 GCSE 或 A'Level 的成绩。
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IoT Data Analytics Case Study - Packaging Films Manufacturer
The company manufactures packaging films on made to order or configure to order basis. Every order has a different set of requirements from the product characteristics perspective and hence requires machine’s settings to be adjusted accordingly. If the film quality does not meet the required standards, the degraded quality impacts customer delivery causes customer dissatisfaction and results in lower margins. The biggest challenge was to identify the real root cause and devise a remedy for that.
Case Study
Zenon the Ideal Basis for An Ergonomic HMI
KHS develops and produces machines and equipment for filling and packaging in the drinks industry. Because drinks manufacturing, filling and packaging consist of a number of highly complex processes, the user-friendly and intuitive operation of equipment is increasingly gaining in significance. In order to design these processes as simple as possible for the user, KHS decided to introduce a uniform, transparent and standardized solution to the company. The HMI interface should meet the requirement for people with different qualifications and enable them to work on a standard platform.
Case Study
Sparks Dynamics Assists Atlas Container Secure a $15,000 BGE Energy Rebate
The ReMASTER Compressed Air Monitoring system was installed in 2015. This system is capable of monitoring compressed air system parameters on a continuous basis and transferring that information to a cloud server which can be accessed by Atlas Container personnel, Industrial Diagnostics and Sparks Dynamics. This information was collected into a database which can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or displayed graphically using Sparks Dynamics ViewMaster Software. The average annual compressed air electricity expense was estimated to be approximately $116,000. This is based on an incremental $/KWh electric rate of $.091 per KWh and an estimated compressed air energy consumption of 1,279,200 KWH. The implementation phase of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) for the Compressed Air System included: • Identification and repair of compressed air leaks • Understanding of compressed air usage per manufacturing machine and installation of shut off valves when the machines are no longer in production mode • Identification of misapplications of compressed air to include blow offs, venturis, and cooling scenarios • Understand system pressure requirements and potential installation of point of use pressure regulation.
Case Study
Mondi Implements Statistics-Based Health Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance
The extrusion and other machines at Mondi’s plant are large and complex, measuring up to 50 meters long and 15 meters high. Each machine is controlled by up to five programmable logic controllers (PLCs), which log temperature, pressure, velocity, and other performance parameters from the machine’s sensors. Each machine records 300–400 parameter values every minute, generating 7 gigabytes of data daily.Mondi faced several challenges in using this data for predictive maintenance. First, the plant personnel had limited experience with statistical analysis and machine learning. They needed to evaluate a variety of machine learning approaches to identify which produced the most accurate results for their data. They also needed to develop an application that presented the results clearly and immediately to machine operators. Lastly, they needed to package this application for continuous use in a production environment.
Case Study
Automated Pallet Labeling Solution for SPR Packaging
SPR Packaging, an American supplier of packaging solutions, was in search of an automated pallet labeling solution that could meet their immediate and future needs. They aimed to equip their lines with automatic printer applicators, but also required a solution that could interface with their accounting software. The challenge was to find a system that could read a 2D code on pallets at the stretch wrapper, track the pallet, and flag any pallets with unread barcodes for inspection. The pallets could be single or double stacked, and the system needed to be able to differentiate between the two. SPR Packaging sought a system integrator with extensive experience in advanced printing and tracking solutions to provide a complete traceability system.
Case Study
Revolutionizing Medical Training in India: GSL Smart Lab and the LAP Mentor
The GSL SMART Lab, a collective effort of the GSL College of Medicine and the GSL College of Nursing and Health Science, was facing a challenge in providing superior training to healthcare professionals. As clinical medicine was becoming more focused on patient safety and quality of care, the need for medical simulation to bridge the educational gap between the classroom and the clinical environment was becoming increasingly apparent. Dr. Sandeep Ganni, the director of the GSL SMART Lab, envisioned a world-class surgical and medical training center where physicians and healthcare professionals could learn skills through simulation training. He was looking for different simulators for different specialties to provide both basic and advanced simulation training. For laparoscopic surgery, he was interested in a high fidelity simulator that could provide basic surgical and suturing skills training for international accreditation as well as specific hands-on training in complex laparoscopic procedures for practicing physicians in India.