Actility > 实例探究 > ER Telecom 转向 LoRaWAN 以加速俄罗斯的数字化转型

ER Telecom 转向 LoRaWAN 以加速俄罗斯的数字化转型

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 ER Telecom Turns To LoRaWAN To Accelerate Digital Transformation In Russia - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 网络与连接 - 低功耗广域网
  • 电信
ER-电信控股 (ERTH)

与人口稠密的欧洲国家相比,俄罗斯为物联网连接提供了独特的环境,因为俄罗斯联邦的庞大规模以及没有 GSM 移动网络覆盖的人口稀少或空旷地区——尽管这些地区仍然是工业的所在地例如采矿、石油和天然气生产或伐木。此外,还有一项特定要求是在俄罗斯境内存储和处理所有数据,以遵守国家数据保护法规。


在寻找一种易于部署、提供长橙色覆盖范围和最低总拥有成本的物联网通信解决方案时,ERTH 很快认识到 LoRaWAN 的优势,并根据公司在为全球运营商部署的全国范围内一半以上的 LPWA 网络供电。 “ER-Telecom Holding 和 Actility 签署的协议是建立联邦物联网覆盖范围的重要一步”,ER-Telecom Holding 总裁 Andrey Kuzyaev 说。

  • The Russian ecosystem is burgeoning rapidly. Today, there is a shortage of localized devices using the dedicated radio frequencies for LoRaWAN in Russia, but according to ERTH, there are enough to begin PoCs. ER-Telecom Holding is working with local and global partners to address this issue. Many IoT start-ups are beginning to emerge to join the Russian IoT and LoRaWAN ecosystem and ERTH will open a dedicated developer portal for Russia with the help of Actility.

  • Actility is not only supporting ERTH with its network roll-out, but it will also offer IoT expertise to Russian customers as well as lead the development of a Russian LoRaWAN ecosystem.” Felix Marnin, Actility.

  • ER-Telecom Holding is also transforming itself and creating new business in the process. The company is developing own products and platform for SMEs offering a building management utility. “We want to become an IoT business“, says Victor Ratnikov. “In technology, there’s no one size fits all. We are not focused on technology, but on our customers, their businesses, and how our solutions can help them transform.”

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