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Altair > 实例探究 > 探索拓扑优化和增材制造在建筑领域的潜力


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本案例研究中的客户是代尔夫特大学建筑系的学生 Bayu Prayudhi。他承担的项目旨在研究拓扑优化和增材制造在建筑项目中的共生潜力。他选择了位于阿塞拜疆巴库国际机场的一个现有项目,即由 ARUP 设计的户外天篷作为他的研究。 Bayu 得到了他的导师 Michela Turrin 博士和 Ing 博士教授的支持和监督。代尔夫特理工大学建筑工程与技术系的 U. Knaack 和 ARUP 阿姆斯特丹建筑部高级结构工程师任世博。 Bayu就读的代尔夫特理工大学建筑与建筑环境学院在最广泛意义上的建筑教育和研究方面发挥着主导作用。
该案例研究围绕探索在建筑项目中结合拓扑优化和增材制造的潜在好处。虽然这种组合在汽车或航空航天等行业很常见,但很少用于建筑领域。我们面临的挑战是调查这种共生关系对于建筑项目的潜力。代尔夫特大学建筑系学生Bayu Prayudhi接受了这一挑战,重新设计了一个现有的建筑项目——阿塞拜疆巴库国际机场的室外顶篷,最初由ARUP设计。目标是在设计过程中预先进行拓扑优化,并使设计适应 3D 打印。该挑战还涉及处理成本、交货时间和技术限制等边界条件,同时努力将功能、形状和创新结合起来。
该解决方案涉及使用 Altair 的 HyperWorks 套件,尤其是用于优化任务的 OptiStruct。将几何图形导入 HyperWorks 并应用发生的载荷工况。然后应用增材制造中出现的制造约束,例如支撑结构和打印方向。使用不同发生力的数值数据定义设计空间并在一个节点上进行优化。然后对结果进行推断,以估计整体结构优化可能产生的影响。由于原始项目没有可用的 3D 模型,原始结构的设计必须依靠近似和假设进行重新建模。所有节点的总权重被平均。新的 3D 打印设计可使重量减轻约 32%。 OptiStruct 的使用有助于创建功能齐全且视觉上引人入胜的设计,为增材制造做好准备。
  • The combination of topology optimization and additive manufacturing led to a lower lead time, improved the overall design, and made it easier and faster to design simple connection parts. The simplified design of the connecting parts also led to a quicker and easier assembly process, which usually can be handled on site. This led to a reduced need to transport large pre-assembled structural parts. By using topology optimization and additive manufacturing, the overall construction time could be dramatically reduced, helping to also cut down general construction costs. The research also showed that designs created with topology optimization and additive manufacturing should not only be compared to traditionally designed and manufactured parts in terms of weight reduction or volume differences. A joint use of topology optimization and additive manufacturing could change the entire architectural creation process, from design to the actual construction, helping to save material, development and construction time and costs, while at the same time offering better and more esthetic results.
  • The new canopy design led to a weight reduction of around 32 percent, bringing the total mass of the roof down from 34.9 tons to 23.7 tons.
  • The overall area the canopy would cover increased from 417 to 423 square meters.
  • The quad paneling design reduced the required amount of connection detail elements compared to the triangular design in terms of bulk volume and it helped to increase the efficiency of glazing manufacturing.

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