- 分析与建模 - 过程分析
- 教育
- 时间敏感网络
- 虚拟培训
- 系统集成
- 培训
Ginkgo Residential 是一家房地产公司,以实惠的价格提供节能环保的住房。该公司总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特,在北卡罗来纳州和南卡罗来纳州开展业务。 Ginkgo Residential 购买、翻新和管理公寓社区,重点关注培育房屋所在的环境。该公司奉行以客户为中心的文化,并提供卓越的客户服务。银杏住宅瞄准中端市场,致力于通过无烟公寓、无纸化系统、太阳能、空气密封和隔热以及社区回收等举措,为社区创造更绿色的环境。
Ginkgo Residential 是一家位于北卡罗来纳州的房地产公司,在维护和更新其业务流程文档方面面临着重大挑战。该公司一直依靠 PDF 手册来指导员工,但事实证明这些手册很难跟上最新的流程和程序。此外,手册缺乏清晰度和准确性,导致工作人员之间存在知识差距。这种知识不平衡正在影响公司的整体产出,因为员工要么没有执行任务,要么执行错误。该公司需要一个更有效的系统来简化工作流程并提高员工效率。
在评估了市场上的多种工作流程软件选项后,Ginkgo Residential 选择了 SweetProcess 作为他们的解决方案。 SweetProcess 使该公司能够在一个地方同步其流程,使授权人员能够更轻松地访问他们所需的所有信息,而无需从一个地点移动到另一个地点。该软件还有助于快速跟踪员工入职和培训,为新员工提供良好的开端。此外,SweetProcess 还提供基于云的存储来记录业务流程、程序和策略。这种分散的知识允许任何员工访问云中的文档并按照概述的步骤成功执行任务。 Ginkgo Residential 团队致力于使用 SweetProcess 不断改进其业务流程。
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Case Study
Revolutionizing Medical Training in India: GSL Smart Lab and the LAP Mentor
The GSL SMART Lab, a collective effort of the GSL College of Medicine and the GSL College of Nursing and Health Science, was facing a challenge in providing superior training to healthcare professionals. As clinical medicine was becoming more focused on patient safety and quality of care, the need for medical simulation to bridge the educational gap between the classroom and the clinical environment was becoming increasingly apparent. Dr. Sandeep Ganni, the director of the GSL SMART Lab, envisioned a world-class surgical and medical training center where physicians and healthcare professionals could learn skills through simulation training. He was looking for different simulators for different specialties to provide both basic and advanced simulation training. For laparoscopic surgery, he was interested in a high fidelity simulator that could provide basic surgical and suturing skills training for international accreditation as well as specific hands-on training in complex laparoscopic procedures for practicing physicians in India.

Case Study
IoT platform Enables Safety Solutions for U.S. School Districts
Designed to alert drivers when schoolchildren are present, especially in low-visibility conditions, school-zone flasher signals are typically updated manually at each school. The switching is based on the school calendar and manually changed when an unexpected early dismissal occurs, as in the case of a weather-event altering the normal schedule. The process to reprogram the flashers requires a significant effort by school district personnel to implement due to the large number of warning flashers installed across an entire school district.

Case Study
Implementing Robotic Surgery Training Simulator for Enhanced Surgical Proficiency
Fundacio Puigvert, a leading European medical center specializing in Urology, Nephrology, and Andrology, faced a significant challenge in training its surgical residents. The institution recognized the need for a more standardized and comprehensive training curriculum, particularly in the area of robotic surgery. The challenge was underscored by two independent studies showing that less than 5% of residents in Italian and German residency programs could perform major or complex procedures by the end of their residency. The institution sought to establish a virtual reality simulation lab that would include endourological, laparoscopic, and robotic platforms. However, they needed a simulator that could replicate both the hardware and software of the robotic Da Vinci console used in the operating room, without being connected to the actual physical console. They also required a system that could provide both basic and advanced simulation training, and a metrics system to assess the proficiency of the trainees before they performed surgical procedures in the operating theater.

Case Study
Edinburgh Napier University streamlines long-distance learning with Cisco WebEX
• Geographically dispersed campus made in-person meetings costly and inconvenient.• Distance-learning programs in Malaysia, India, and China required dependable, user-friendly online tools to maximize interaction in collaborative workspaces.• Virtual learning environment required a separate sign-in process, resulting in a significant administrative burden for IT staff and limited adoption of collaboration technology.

Case Study
8x increased productivity with VKS
Before VKS, a teacher would spend a lot of time showing a group of 22 students how to build a set of stairs within a semester of 120 hours. Along with not leaving the teacher much time to provide one-on-one support for each student to properly learn carpentry, it also left a considerable amount of room for error. Key information would be misinterpreted or lost as the class was taught in the typical show-and-tell way.

Case Study
Scalable IoT Empowering GreenFlex's Sustainable Growth
GreenFlex, a company that supports sustainable development, decarbonization, and energy efficiency, faced several challenges in its quest to expand its business. The company needed to deploy a robust and sustainable IoT technology to support its growth. It was crucial for them to monitor and control devices at customer sites in a safe and reliable manner. They also needed to integrate devices across a range of communication protocols and gather and act on data to meet efficiency targets. GreenFlex had previously built IoT capabilities into its digital platform, GreenFlexIQ, to monitor and manage customer sites remotely. However, they soon realized that they needed a new platform to support their ambitions. They needed a platform that could scale to connect more devices for production management and make it easier for the operations team to manage devices in the field.