Qlik > 实例探究 > Gwent Police Improve Intelligence-LED Policing with Qlikview

Gwent Police Improve Intelligence-LED Policing with Qlikview

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Large Corporate
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • QlikView
  • BusinessObjects
  • Oracle
  • SQL
  • Excel
  • Enterprise-wide Deployment
  • Cost Savings
  • Productivity Improvements
  • 分析与建模 - 实时分析
  • 安全与公共安全
  • 商业运营
  • 人力资源
  • 预测性维护
  • 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
  • 数据科学服务
Gwent Police is a police force in South Wales, United Kingdom. The force covers an area of 600 square miles bounded by Abergavenny in the north, Newport in the south, Chepstow in the east, and Caerphilly in the west. Gwent Police is among the UK police forces that lead the way with innovative crime fighting technology and intelligence-led policing. The force introduced QlikView business discovery software in 2007 to measure performance and ensure cost efficiency through effective allocation of resources. Since then, Gwent Police has added two new QlikView applications to provide an overview of the geographical spread of crimes and incidents and to match appropriate human resources to fighting crime and anti-social behaviour.
Gwent Police, a force in South Wales, United Kingdom, was facing several challenges. The existing performance management system was incapable of providing information for internal stakeholders. The force needed a system that could provide crime mapping and support intelligence-led policing. The previous system was paper-based and took a whole day to compile monthly staff performance reports. Information was dispersed under different applications in the force’s Command and Control system. The force was also keen to identify the availability of appropriately trained staff and highlight where there were shortages.
Gwent Police deployed QlikView in 2007 for performance management at all levels of the organisation but has now extended its use to cover crime mapping and tasking. QlikView brings together information from more than 20 data sources within the geographically dispersed organisation. Details such as how many people an officer has arrested, the quality of those arrests and their outcomes, can all be viewed at the click of a mouse. The inspector or sergeant logs in, clicks on the month, hits on the team, and the centralised information is available within minutes. Furthermore, data is updated every two hours drawn from multiple data sources which provides a near real-time service. Gwent Police is using its new QlikIntel application with a geographical information system to provide an overview of the spread of crime and incidents drilled down to local authority ward level.
  • Improved monitoring of staff and force performance at all levels
  • Crime mapping saved 15.5 hours per individual
  • Helped match appropriate resources to crime hotspots
  • Updated business critical data from 20 data sources in near real time
  • Helped simplify reporting to the Home Office and regulatory bodies
  • Crime mapping saved 15.5 hours per individual reducing costs by £350,000

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