Large Corporate
- America
- United States
- DataRobot Enterprise AI platform
- Machine Learning
- Predictive Modeling
- Data Analytics
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Revenue Growth
- Customer Satisfaction
- 分析与建模 - 预测分析
- 分析与建模 - 机器学习
- 销售与市场营销
- 补货预测
- 数据科学服务
费城 76 人队是美国职业篮球联赛 (NBA) 的一支职业篮球队。球队由哈里斯布利策体育娱乐公司 (HBSE) 所有,该公司还拥有国家冰球联盟的新泽西魔鬼队以及其他体育和娱乐资产。76 人队被认为是 NBA 中一支冉冉升起的强队,也是费城和世界各地球迷中最受欢迎的球队之一。该组织以高度重视数据分析而闻名,利用数据为各个层面的决策过程提供信息。76 人队的分析团队一直在寻找提高工作效率的方法,并使其数据驱动的流程更具活力。
费城 76 人队是 NBA 的一支职业篮球队,也是新一波利用数据分析来优化场上表现和业务运营的体育特许经营球队之一。该组织非常注重使用数据来指导各个层面的决策过程。76 人队分析团队面临的主要挑战之一是提高季票续订流程的效率。该团队一直在使用数据科学和简单的建模技术,但缺乏一种能够在收集更多数据时进行调整和学习的动态机器学习工具。这意味着该团队必须在休赛期做大量工作来制作静态模型。目标是将续订流程从一年一次的活动转变为全年的保留流程。
为了应对这一挑战,76ers 分析团队求助于 DataRobot 的企业 AI 平台来改进其季票续订的建模流程。该平台允许团队构建动态、预测性的机器学习模型,可以全年跟踪、测量和分析数据。这使团队能够识别风险账户和对续订影响最大的因素。这些模型还帮助销售续订团队优化其流程,优先安排时间并更加认真地关注高风险账户。展望未来,76ers 分析团队计划将机器学习和预测模型的使用扩展到业务的其他部分,例如提高潜在客户评分和向粉丝提供更好的优惠。他们还计划扩大他们的工作范围,并将其应用于 Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment 旗下的其他体育特许经营权。
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Blue Bottle Coffee Enhances Ordering Accuracy and Reduces Waste with ML-Driven Demand Forecasting
Blue Bottle Coffee (BBC), a global coffee roaster and retailer, faced a significant challenge in managing the supply of pastries across its international network of cafes. The company was using a manual ordering system, where cafe leaders estimated the required quantity of pastries based on historical sales data, current inventory, and growth projections. This system was effective when BBC had a few cafes, but with over 70 cafes worldwide, it became inefficient and inaccurate. The inaccuracies led to either under-ordering, causing sell-outs and customer dissatisfaction, or over-ordering, resulting in food waste and profit loss. The suboptimal utilization of pastries was also affecting BBC's bottom line. Therefore, BBC needed a scalable, precise, and predictive ordering solution to improve pastry ordering accuracy, reduce food waste, and meet its sustainability goals.
Case Study
Designing an intuitive UI for effective product demand forecasting in retail
The client, a leading luxury store chain operating in over 100 countries, was facing challenges with their product demand forecasting process. The process involved a significant amount of manual work, with all sales-related data being kept in Excel tables and calculated manually. The client's merchandising and planning experts used a demand forecasting web application to make estimations of customer demand over a specific period of time. The solution calculated historical data and other analytical information to produce the most accurate predictions. However, the client wanted to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this process, making it faster, more accurate, and less complicated for their employees. They sought to unify all processes under an intuitive UI.
Case Study
YAZAKI Europe Limited: Ensuring rapid, cost-efficient order fulfillment and quicker insights into business performance
YAZAKI Europe, a leading automotive supplier specializing in the production of customized wiring harnesses for car manufacturers, was facing challenges in meeting the automotive industry’s demand for same-day delivery. The company's continuous growth was impacting its ability to analyze performance and complete its end-of-month consolidation and reporting processes for its headquarters in Japan. The company needed to eliminate delays and manual processing in its logistics to ensure extremely efficient operations. The company also needed to boost its data analytics capabilities for its finance and controlling departments to accelerate the delivery of complex financial reports.
Case Study
Getin Noble Bank S.A. Personalizing offers to meet customers’ specific banking needs raises savings deposits by 20 percent
Getin Noble Bank S.A. experienced several years of rapid growth, at twice the pace of the rest of the Polish banking sector. As the market became saturated, customers demanded a higher level of service. To create tailored product offers to meet their needs, the bank needed a more efficient and automated method of customer segmentation. It also wanted to develop effective campaigns with repeatable and predictable results.
Case Study
Milgard: Predicting sales with precision to drive swift, efficient production
Milgard Manufacturing, Inc., a leading producer of windows and patio doors, operates on a demand-driven manufacturing model to avoid overstocking issues. This approach requires the company to predict sales extremely accurately to ensure it has the resources needed to fill incoming customer orders quickly. Sales of windows are influenced by various factors, including housing market fluctuations and regional preferences. Therefore, Milgard needs to ensure that its annual budgets and forecasts accurately reflect the impact of these factors. The company's inflexible approach to planning threatened to hamper business agility, prompting it to seek a better solution.
Case Study
Telefonica | Vivo: Increasing Sales and Lowering Costs with Customized Marketing
Telefonica | Vivo, a leading Brazilian communications company, was facing a challenge with its marketing campaigns. The company, which offers voice, text, and web services to nearly 60 million customers, generates about 2 billion call records per day. However, the manual list-generating processes performed by over 30 marketing vendors were creating ineffective campaigns that didn't offer customers the services specific to their needs. This resulted in contact fatigue that devalued the brand. The company needed a closed-loop process that would use customer behavior to generate targeted marketing campaigns that really worked.