- 分析与建模 - 预测分析
- 功能应用 - 企业资产管理系统 (EAM)
- 维护
- 资产生命周期管理
- 机器状态监测
Infosys 和亚琛大学工业管理研究所 (FIR) 最近一项关于资产效率成熟度的研究表明,全球 85% 的制造公司都意识到资产效率,但只有 15% 的公司系统地实施了它。当前的挑战包括缺乏资产仪表、缺少实时数据分析、由于缺少来自其他系统的信息而缺少上下文,以及缺乏对能源、利用率、运营和可服务性等效率其他方面的整体关注。目标高效、准确地实时收集资产信息并运行分析以做出正确的决策
*这是一个 IIC 测试平台,目前正在进行中。* 主要成员Infosys支持成员Bosch、GE、IBM、英特尔、KUKA、NI、PTC市场部门高科技、工业制造、离散和过程制造、汽车、航空航天和其他部门具有高价值固定/移动资产的解决方案资产研究 - 使用工程知识进行故障模式分析预测 - 相应地对资产进行映射和建模 - 开发用于从资产和整个系统和数据分析中实时收集数据的平台堆栈测试引言许多行业都拥有对其业务流程至关重要的资产。这些资产的可用性和效率直接影响服务和业务。使用预测分析,资产效率测试平台旨在高效、准确地收集实时资产信息,并运行分析以在运营、维护、大修和资产更换方面做出正确的决策。 Infosys 是工业互联网联盟的成员,正在领导这个项目,联盟成员博世、通用电气、IBM、英特尔、库卡、美国国家仪器公司和 PTC 都做出了贡献。 Asset Efficiency 是一个垂直测试平台,可以将测试平台应用于多种解决方案。测试平台将分两个阶段启动。在第一阶段,将为移动解决方案(在本例中为飞机起落架)创建测试平台。这一阶段的重点将放在堆栈的创建和技术的集成上。在第二阶段,测试平台将处理固定资产,如冷水机组,目标是最终确定架构并开放接口。资产效率测试平台全面监控、控制和优化资产,同时考虑运营、能源、维护、服务和信息效率,并提高其性能利用率。资产效率测试平台提供了许多好处,包括:有助于确定最佳维护计划的状态监测、减少停机时间从而提高资产的整体生产力、减少资本和运营支出以及高效的能源利用。
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Case Study
IoT enabled Fleet Management with MindSphere
In view of growing competition, Gämmerler had a strong need to remain competitive via process optimization, reliability and gentle handling of printed products, even at highest press speeds. In addition, a digitalization initiative also included developing a key differentiation via data-driven services offers.

Case Study
Siemens Wind Power
Wind provides clean, renewable energy. The core concept is simple: wind turbines spin blades to generate power. However, today's systems are anything but simple. Modern wind turbines have blades that sweep a 120 meter circle, cost more than 1 million dollars and generate multiple megawatts of power. Each turbine may include up to 1,000 sensors and actuators – integrating strain gages, bearing monitors and power conditioning technology. The turbine can control blade speed and power generation by altering the blade pitch and power extraction. Controlling the turbine is a sophisticated job requiring many cooperating processors closing high-speed loops and implementing intelligent monitoring and optimization algorithms. But the real challenge is integrating these turbines so that they work together. A wind farm may include hundreds of turbines. They are often installed in difficult-to-access locations at sea. The farm must implement a fundamentally and truly distributed control system. Like all power systems, the goal of the farm is to match generation to load. A farm with hundreds of turbines must optimize that load by balancing the loading and generation across a wide geography. Wind, of course, is dynamic. Almost every picture of a wind farm shows a calm sea and a setting sun. But things get challenging when a storm goes through the wind farm. In a storm, the control system must decide how to take energy out of gusts to generate constant power. It must intelligently balance load across many turbines. And a critical consideration is the loading and potential damage to a half-billion-dollar installed asset. This is no environment for a slow or undependable control system. Reliability and performance are crucial.

Case Study
Integration of PLC with IoT for Bosch Rexroth
The application arises from the need to monitor and anticipate the problems of one or more machines managed by a PLC. These problems, often resulting from the accumulation over time of small discrepancies, require, when they occur, ex post technical operations maintenance.

Case Study
Refinery Saves Over $700,000 with Smart Wireless
One of the largest petroleum refineries in the world is equipped to refine various types of crude oil and manufacture various grades of fuel from motor gasoline to Aviation Turbine Fuel. Due to wear and tear, eight hydrogen valves in each refinery were leaking, and each cost $1800 per ton of hydrogen vented. The plant also had leakage on nearly 30 flare control hydrocarbon valves. The refinery wanted a continuous, online monitoring system that could catch leaks early, minimize hydrogen and hydrocarbon production losses, and improve safety for maintenance.

Case Study
Airport SCADA Systems Improve Service Levels
Modern airports are one of the busiest environments on Earth and rely on process automation equipment to ensure service operators achieve their KPIs. Increasingly airport SCADA systems are being used to control all aspects of the operation and associated facilities. This is because unplanned system downtime can cost dearly, both in terms of reduced revenues and the associated loss of customer satisfaction due to inevitable travel inconvenience and disruption.

Case Study
A Cloud-based Machine Performance Assistant
Printing International is building pad printing machinery to print on all kinds of plastics, glass, ceramics, porcelain, on caps and closures, medical devices and pharmaceuticals. 4 Key Project Requirements: • Transparency on machine performance • Worldwide service network • Remote support, contractual availability • IT security