- 功能应用 - 制造执行系统 (MES)
- 传感器 - 电导率传感器
- 电网
- 电子产品
- 物流运输
- 产品研发
- 租赁金融自动化
- 物料搬运自动化
- 系统集成
Innovative Manufacturing Services, Inc. (IMS) 是一家为美国、加拿大和墨西哥各制造业客户提供高质量制造、物料搬运和自动化系统解决方案的供应商。该公司成立于 2003 年,并于 2006 年成立 IMS Carryline USA 分部,成为瑞典输送系统制造商 Carryline AB 在北美的主要经销商。 IMS 拥有项目管理、机械设计、电气设计和控制工程背景。该公司设计和建造输送系统,其中涉及自动化,并致力于使用实体建模在 3D 中完成几乎所有工作。
Innovative Manufacturing Services, Inc. (IMS) 需要一种更高效且更具成本效益的 2D 设计解决方案来开发电气原理图和访问旧的 2D 文件。该公司一直使用 SOLIDWORKS 3D 机械设计软件来创建定制制造和自动化系统,但继续使用 AutoCAD 2D 软件来访问旧设计文件和创建电气面板原理图。我们面临的挑战是找到一种解决方案,能够与现有的 SOLIDWORKS 实施无缝集成,提供对旧版 2D 数据的访问,并以更具成本效益的方式支持电气原理图的开发。
IMS 在 DraftSight Professional 2D 设计软件中找到了解决方案。由于该软件易于使用、与 SOLIDWORKS 无缝集成,并且能够提供对软件 Toolbox 的访问,因此该软件被添加到公司现有的 SOLIDWORKS 实施中。工具箱是一个行业标准硬件库,可以轻松插入到图纸中。 DraftSight Professional 还驱动公司的 CNC 铣床并支持旧用户和自动化例程。借助 DraftSight Professional,IMS 工程师可以轻松地为其输送机、自动化和制造系统实施创建新的 2D 工厂车间布局,以及打开和修改在 AutoCAD 中创建的旧设计,而成本只是维护公司旧设计的一小部分系统。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.
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Hydro One Leads the Way In Smart Meter Development
In 2010, Ontario’s energy board mandated that time-of-use (TOU) pricing for consumers be available for all consumers on a regulated price plan. To meet this requirement, Hydro One needed to quickly deploy a smart meter and intelligent communications network solution to meet the provincial government’s requirement at a low cost. The network needed to cover Hydro One’s expansive service territory, which has a land mass twice the size of Texas, and its customers live in a mix of urban, rural, and remote areas, some places only accessible by air, rail, boat or snowmobile. Most importantly, the network needed to enable future enterprise-wide business efficiencies, modernization of distribution infrastructure and enhanced customer service. To meet these needs, Hydro One conceptualized an end-to-end solution leveraging open standards and Internet Protocols (IP) at all communication levels. The utility drew upon industry leaders like Trilliant to realize this vision.
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Selling more with Whirlpool
Whirlpool wanted to add connectivity to appliances and transform the company's relationship with customers. Traditionally, Whirlpool interaction with customers was limited to purchases made once every ten years. Connected washer and dryers provide exciting new features like remote management of start times and inter-machine communication.
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Predictive maintenance in Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric Le Vaudreuil factory in France is recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the world’s top nine most advanced “lighthouse” sites, applying Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies at large scale. It was experiencing machine-health and unplanned downtime issues on a critical machine within their manufacturing process. They were looking for a solution that could easily leverage existing machine data feeds, be used by machine operators without requiring complex setup or extensive training, and with a fast return on investment.