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StormGeo > 实例探究 > 物联网在行动:StormGeo 的 AIS 跟踪帮助 Rowegians 参加大西洋挑战赛

物联网在行动:StormGeo 的 AIS 跟踪帮助 Rowegians 参加大西洋挑战赛

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Rowegians 是一支由四名挪威女性组成的团队,她们接受了世界上最艰巨的赛艇挑战,即横渡 3000 海里的大西洋。该团队以其坚韧和冒险精神而闻名,接受考验体力和精神力量的挑战。 Rowegians 不仅是赛艇运动员,也是女性力量和决心的大使,她们证明,只要有正确的支持和工具,即使是最艰难的挑战也能被克服。他们的旅程不仅仅是划船,还包括克服障碍、突破界限和激励他人。
Rowegians 是一支由四名挪威女性组成的团队,开始了世界上最艰巨的赛艇挑战,横渡大西洋 3000 海里。这项挑战通常持续 60 天左右,充满了许多困难,包括不可预测的天气条件、睡眠不足和身体疲惫。该团队需要考虑历史和预测数据来优化他们的路线,以确保他们的安全和成功。然而,大西洋的浩瀚及其条件的不可预测性给追踪和优化他们的路线带来了重大挑战。 Rowegians 需要一个可靠的解决方案,能够提供实时跟踪和天气预报,以在整个旅程中为他们提供帮助。
StormGeo 是天气情报和决策支持服务的领先提供商,作为赞助商介入,帮助 Rowegians 应对挑战。他们通过 FleetDSS 平台为团队提供 AIS(自动识别系统)跟踪。该平台允许在整个 3000 海里大西洋挑战赛中实时跟踪 Rowegians 的船只。除了跟踪之外,StormGeo 位于纽约的滚装/特种船团队还与团队不断对话,为他们提供各种工具,以根据历史数据和预测数据优化路线。该团队还获得 24 小时热线支持,确保他们在需要时立即获得帮助。
  • The support from StormGeo significantly enhanced the Rowegians' journey across the Atlantic. The real-time tracking and weather forecasting provided by the FleetDSS platform ensured the team's safety and allowed them to make informed decisions about their route. The 24-hour hotline provided the team with immediate assistance, ensuring they were never alone in facing the challenges of the Atlantic. The tools provided by StormGeo not only optimized the team's route but also boosted their morale, knowing they had a reliable support system backing them. This case demonstrates the power of IoT in providing real-time tracking and data analysis, significantly enhancing safety and efficiency in challenging conditions.
  • Real-time tracking of the Rowegians' vessel throughout the 3000 NM Atlantic Challenge.
  • 24/7 support provided to the team, ensuring immediate assistance when needed.
  • Optimized route based on historical and forecasting data, enhancing the team's safety and efficiency.

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