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Enveritas 是一家非营利组织,成立于 2016 年,其使命是克服阻碍应用行之有效的解决方案来消除小农咖啡种植者贫困的系统性障碍。该组织的目标是到 2030 年消除咖啡行业的全球贫困。为了实现这一目标,Enveritas 专注于追踪咖啡从源头到消费者的整个旅程,不仅了解咖啡的种植和加工地点,还了解咖啡的社会、环境、以及这些地方的经济状况。
Enveritas 是一家非营利组织,成立于 2016 年,其使命是到 2030 年消除咖啡行业的全球贫困。该使命的一个重要部分涉及追踪咖啡从源头到消费者的旅程。这个过程不仅需要确定咖啡种植和加工的地理位置,还需要了解这些地方普遍存在的社会、环境和经济条件。面临的挑战是基于 ECX 分类系统创建复杂类型咖啡的全面动态可视化。该组织需要一个用户友好的解决方案,可以提供咖啡供应链的清晰且易于访问的表示。
Enveritas 转向了 CARTO,这是一个以其动态界面和卓越的客户服务而闻名的平台。 CARTO 提供的解决方案比 Enveritas 尝试过的其他平台更简单、更易于访问。该平台允许 Enveritas 基于 ECX 分类系统显示当前咖啡类型复杂性的可视化。这种可视化有助于追溯咖啡的来源,从而提供对咖啡种植和加工地点的社会、环境和经济状况的清晰了解。 CARTO 团队始终保持警惕并快速响应,为 Enveritas 提供卓越的客户服务。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.
Case Study
Retail Uses RFID to Enable Cold Chain Monitoring
Like most grocery retailers, Hy-Vee is faced with the challenge of providing the highest quality products to its shoppers. Shoppers want the longest possible shelf life from perishable products and expect a consistent product experience each time they shop. Controlling the quality of products sold leads to shopper loyalty, which is of paramount importance to the success of Hy-Vee. Before products arrive in stores, Hy-Vee's distribution centers (DCs) handle items including dairy products, fresh meats, seafood, deli items, produce and frozen goods, all of which have different temperature needs and sensitivities. During transit from suppliers to DCs, Hy-Vee has limited visibility and temperature management abilities due to large amount of supplier managed transportation. For instance, during a week-long transit, a supplier's carrier equipment may malfunction, causing an item to thaw and then refreeze once repairs are made. Hy-Vee sought help from TempTRIP, an RFID solution provider that focuses on shipping, storage, receiving, and temperature control. TempTRIP's EPC RFID tags use Impinj chips to monitor and report temperature readings throughout the shipping and receiving process. The tags can also be re-configured and re-used, a unique feature within the current market of temperature monitoring devices.
Case Study
Covisint Improves Mitsubishi's Collaboration With Its Supply Chain
Mitsubishi sought to improve supplier relationships on a global basis and to offer an easy-to-use solution to interact with them. In August 2004, Mitsubishi selected Covisint’s platform to help improve sharing of information and collaborative business processes with its global suppliers. Covisint enabled Mitsubishi to provide its suppliers with immediate access to information and applications to obtain more collaborative working relationships