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Korea Telecom > 实例探究 > KT-MEG:韩国的智能能源系统


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 KT-MEG: Korea’s Smart Energy System - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 分析与建模 - 机器学习
  • 分析与建模 - 实时分析
  • 功能应用 - 远程监控系统
  • 网络与连接 - 蜂窝
  • 网络与连接 - 窄带物联网
  • 网络与连接 - 射频识别
  • 公用事业
  • 商业运营
  • 微电网

在全球范围内,政府和能源供应商越来越认识到可再生能源和智能能源系统的优势。然而,根据韩国能源署的数据,截至 2017 年 5 月,韩国只有 6.61% 的电力来自可再生能源。 6.61% 韩国的电力由可再生能源产生 韩国能源署,2017 年 5 月 使这一问题更加复杂的是韩国严格控制的能源市场。直到 2015 年,韩国能源的生产和供应由韩国专业公用事业公司 KEPCO 独家负责。政府认识到该部门需要刺激,对国家能源市场实行分阶段自由化,最终使竞争者得以进入市场。同时,启动了政府资助的研发项目“韩国微型能源电网”,使KT得以发展


能源消费者和供应商均可使用,客户可以通过 LTE-M、3G/LTE、RFID、固网通信连接到 KT-MEG,从明年开始,这家韩国运营商将在其网络组合中添加 NB-IoT技术。凭借其广泛的连接媒介,KT-MEG 对其运营地点以及可以服务的业务类型和规模几乎没有限制。随着运营商移动物联网(授权频谱低功率广域技术)的商业推出,该解决方案将能够扩大其可以服务的业务数量,因为该技术能够在非常难以到达或极其偏远的地区运营位置,例如地下或覆盖范围最小的区域。能源使用被传送到果川的网络控制中心,专家在那里监控站点使用情况和微电网需求,以告知他们如何确保最佳的电网平衡和配电。支持这项任务的是 KT 基于云的分析平台“e-Brain”,它可以分析使用趋势并实时执行诊断。 KT 的 e-Brain 具备机器学习能力,能够考虑天气、使用模式和盈利能力,生成自己的预测模型,从而实现对能源生产、能源消耗、能源交易和车辆充电的有效管理。

Energy Production, Energy Usage, Weather, Vehicle Charging
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Energy]
    Energy generation KT-MEG has been integrated into many of the nation’s power stations, including 247 renewable energy sites. It aids energy producers by providing real time remote monitoring, diagnostics and, for solar energy sites, consolidated PV-ESS management (GiGA energy gen). Power stations using KT-MEG, have been able to make significant savings. For example, solar power sites in Yeoju and Jeonnam have significantly increased the number of hours in which they generate power per day, respectively producing 3.98 hours and 3.88 hours compared to the national average of 3.5 hours. The Korean operator estimates that these efficiencies add up to colossal savings. They calculate that, if adopted by all the nation’s power plants, with proper management and distribution of power demands, KT-MEG could make an energy saving equivalent to 5 new nuclear plants operating in peak demand – 10% of the country’s electricity usage. Delaying or eliminating the construction of additional power plants would result in vast savings for the Government and help the country meet its national carbon reduction goal
  • [Cost Reduction - Energy]
    Energy consumption & trading The KT GiGA energy manager allows a wide range of businesses the means to reduce their consumption, principally by enabling a more efficient use of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting facilities. Business customers connected to KT-MEG have the opportunity to observe real-time consumption and adjust their energy use through the GiGA energy manager dashboard. Additionally, businesses can also make use of KT’s remote monitoring and analysis to provide forecasts, peak management, and optimization guides. 5 iot@gsma.com www.gsma.com/iot Complementing this is KT’s GiGA energy Demand Response, which allows businesses the opportunity to profit from reducing their consumption during periods of high demand and increase their consumption at times when there is less demand. By monitoring energy use in real time, KT is also able to advise customers when to make these trades and reduce the risk of outages at times of high demand. Businesses that have adopted KT-MEG have seen their power energy consumption drop dramatically. For example, the Bupyeong hospital has reduced its energy consumption by 54%, while a sports complex in Gwangju has experienced a 75% reduction in its energy use since using KT-MEG.

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