- 分析与建模 - 计算机视觉软件
- 传感器 - 激光雷达/激光扫描仪
- 建筑物
- 安全与公共安全
- 临床图像分析
侦探约翰·布鲁内蒂 (John Brunetti) 是一位经验丰富的警官,在康涅狄格州西黑文警察局法医服务部门工作了 23 年以上。其中 17 年时间他专注于指纹分析和其他犯罪现场调查技术。他还在纽黑文大学教授掌纹比较课程。布鲁内蒂侦探负责调查犯罪现场并向州检察官玛丽·加尔文和她办公室的其他检察官提供证据。他每天在工作中使用 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 创建准确且易于理解的地图和图表。
约翰·布鲁内蒂 (John Brunetti) 侦探是一位经验丰富的警官,在康涅狄格州西黑文警察局法医服务部门工作了 23 年以上,他面临着以清晰、专业且易于理解的方式提供犯罪现场证据的挑战。这在出庭作证时尤其重要,因为陪审团需要准确理解证据。证据的复杂性使这一挑战变得更加复杂,这些证据通常包括部分指纹或掌纹、犯罪现场地图和子弹轨迹。此外,证据的呈现方式不应有不公平的偏见,特别是当证人被要求从一系列照片中识别嫌疑人时。
Brunetti 侦探求助于 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 来应对这些挑战。他使用 CorelDRAW 中的对象管理器来设计犯罪现场地图,将每个组件类别添加到单独的图层上。这使他能够通过保留或删除某些元素(例如汽车、街道名称和门牌号)来创建多个地图版本。对于指纹分析,他依靠 Corel Photo-Paint。当法庭需要指纹图时,他将图像导入 CorelDRAW,使用辅助线、对象锚点和对象旋转手柄以相同的方式定位两个指纹。他还使用折线工具追踪两张照片中具有独特特征的相似点之间的路径。在涉及灭火器指纹的案件中,调查人员使用 Corel PHOTO-PAINT 通过关闭图像中的某些颜色通道来更清晰地呈现证据。 Corel PHOTO-PAINT 还用于确保从一系列照片中识别嫌疑人的过程不会出现不公平的偏见。
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Energy Saving & Power Monitoring System
Recently a university in Taiwan was experiencing dramatic power usage increases due to its growing number of campus buildings and students. Aiming to analyze their power consumption and increase their power efficiency across 52 buildings, the university wanted to build a power management system utilizing web-based hardware and software. With these goals in mind, they contacted Advantech to help them develop their system and provide them with the means to save energy in the years to come.
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Intelligent Building Automation System and Energy Saving Solution
One of the most difficult problems facing the world is conserving energy in buildings. However, it is not easy to have a cost-effective solution to reduce energy usage in a building. One solution for saving energy is to implement an intelligent building automation system (BAS) which can be controlled according to its schedule. In Indonesia a large university with a five floor building and 22 classrooms wanted to save the amount of energy being used.
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Powering Smart Home Automation solutions with IoT for Energy conservation
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Smart City Public Safety
Amyx+ worked with a local government authority to develop an Internet of Things-enabled public safety strategy. In the current state, vigilance meant manually scanning through potentially hundreds of analog surveillance videos feeds. Manual, costly and ineffective, the local agency desired to transition from analog to digital CCTV, apply computer vision and other technologies to automatically detect potential crime in progress, expedite and streamline emergency calls and integrate with personal wearables to ensure the safety of their citizens.
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Protecting a Stadium from Hazardous Materials Using IoT2cell's Mobility Platform
There was a need for higher security at the AT&T Stadium during the NFL draft. There was a need to ensure that nuclear radiation material was not smuggled inside the stadium. Hazmat materials could often be missed in a standard checkpoint when gaining entry into a stadium.