- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
- 产品研发
- 添加剂制造
Summit Graphics 是一家经验丰富的印刷公司,拥有一批专业的设计师和制作人员。他们是 CorelDRAW 的经验丰富的用户,每天都会使用其许多高端打印功能。该公司以承接复杂的打印项目而闻名,例如需要混合不同文件类型的书籍封面设计以及打印数千个唯一编号的 ID 徽章等大规模任务。他们致力于提供高质量的印刷服务,并始终寻找提高效率和效益的方法。
Summit Graphics 是一家经验丰富的印刷公司,面临着有效管理复杂印刷任务的挑战。该公司经常使用 CorelDRAW 中的高端打印功能,例如指定陷印宽度和图像陷印位置。然而,他们面临着一个复杂的书籍封面项目,需要混合使用本机 Adobe Photoshop 文件、TIFF、矢量文本和专色。此外,爱荷华州立大学还要求他们打印 3,000 多个按顺序编号的 ID 徽章,每个徽章都有唯一的姓名和 ID 号。这通常需要 IT 专家的技术协助,从而增加了项目的复杂性和所需的时间。
CorelDRAW 灵活的文件处理功能和可变数据功能为 Summit Graphics 的挑战提供了解决方案。使用 CorelDRAW 成功完成了复杂的书籍封面项目,最终文件打印完美无缺。对于 ID 徽章项目,利用了 CorelDRAW 中的打印合并功能。这使得设计人员可以在 CorelDRAW 中设置所有内容,并可以很好地控制字体、颜色和其他格式属性。客户提供了一个包含所有名称的简单 Excel 文件,该文件会自动导入到 CorelDRAW 中。设计人员能够指定顺序递增数字字段的格式、定义数据字段并将它们插入到绘图中。然后将静态设计元素和可变数据字段合并,并打印定制文档。
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Case Study
Ford Motor Company on the Road to 3D Manufacturing
To date, key challenges have stood in the way of 3D printing becoming a manufacturing tool for the automaker. The first issue is a fundamental one — conventional 3D printing technologies make parts layer-by-layer, slowly crafting one layer at a time, creating parts that aren’t nearly as robust as those stamped or injection molded. While the slow speed of this process is a major drawback, the bigger problem is that the parts produced are not isotropic and not durable enough to be used in production vehicles. In addition, most parts used in vehicles today must withstand temperature extremes from the hottest desert to the coldest Arctic environments and still maintain their integrity. With only a handful of stock materials available for 3D printers, meeting the automaker’s unique demands has not been possible.
Case Study
Bekaert's Journey to Manufacturing Digitalization with TCS
Bekaert, a major player in the steel wire industry, was facing significant challenges in its manufacturing operations due to outdated data platforms. The company was unable to trace genealogy beyond a week's data and lacked diagnostic analysis of plant operations, which severely hampered decision-making. The absence of automation in benchmarking operations and extensive reporting on plant management further complicated the situation. To enhance efficiency and effectiveness in multiple focus areas, Bekaert needed a modern data platform capable of managing large volumes of data and generating actionable insights. The company aimed to drive quality, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and plant productivity based on these insights.
Case Study
3D Printed Prototypes Streamline Equipment Introduction
Vauxhall set out to introduce a modified process hanger with a new part that would be used to support each vehicle body throughout the production process. This part is a critical piece and had to perfectly fit both the machinery and the auto body to create correct clearances and avoid damage during production.
Case Study
3D-Printing of Tooling Parts
Selective Laser Melting (SLM), an additive manufacturing technology, can be used for the production of tooling components with conformal cooling channels. ABB OY, Drives and Controls, was able to tremendously reduce the cycle time for a cabling grommet due to a redesign and optimization of a tooling insert. The optimized geometry of the part not only reduces the cycle time but also leads to less scrap parts in production.The aim of the case study of implementing conformal cooling for this insert was to improve the efficiency of the production and to increase the product quality resulting in less defective products.
Case Study
Delphi Leverages the M1 for Prototyping and Final Part Production
As the automotive industry continues to tighten product development timelines, compressing design time in the supplier network has been the go-to model to achieve desired results. Traditionally, to successfully address the economics of part production, Delphi has used technologies like injection molding to deliver parts at scale. The cost of tooling development and time associated has limited part production to be focused on mass-production only.