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Avid Technology > 实例探究 > 在电影制作中利用物联网:《帕丁顿熊 2》案例研究

在电影制作中利用物联网:《帕丁顿熊 2》案例研究

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  • 语音识别
  • 时间敏感网络
本案例研究中的客户是《帕丁顿熊 2》的制作团队,包括英国电影和电视艺术学院奖获奖导演保罗·金、首席动画师巴勃罗·格里洛和剪辑师马克·埃弗森。继 2014 年《帕丁顿熊》在影院首映获得巨大成功后,该团队再次回归,帮助将这只心爱的小熊带回真人/CGI 动画续集。该团队与导演保罗·金 (Paul King) 有着长期的合作关系,并曾制作过许多令人难忘的英国电影喜剧。他们拥有高度协作的编辑环境,并密切合作,以确保按时完成并且动画与故事情节相得益彰,反之亦然。
我们面临的挑战是为最著名的虚构儿童角色之一帕丁顿熊的银幕回归编辑一个复杂的 CGI 时间线。该团队必须在真人/CGI 动画续集《帕丁顿熊 2》中栩栩如生地呈现一个受人喜爱的角色,其制作要求非常复杂,而且主角也不是有血有肉的。 CGI熊给第一部电影带来了很多挑战,包括视觉效果要求。由于主角是隐形的,并且镜头外有人读出他的台词,因此剪辑过程变得复杂。影片的制作过程要求采取即时的方法,从第一天起就制定快速、滚动的周转时间表。在此过程中,剪辑团队和 Framestore 之间频繁交换的熊动画的各种进化状态的动画序列不匹配。
该解决方案是 Avid 的行业标准编辑软件 Media Composer,它加速了故事讲述工作流程并提高了团队的效率。该软件提供了他们所需的灵活性,轻松处理庞大的时间线并支持整个操作。它实现了高分辨率播放,并为组织大量媒体的任务带来了更高的效率。剪辑团队与导游的声音进行了很长时间的合作,直到他们确定哪些场景将进入最终剪辑。场景的长度是另一个主要考虑因素,从一开始就是一场猜谜游戏,尤其是在主角缺席的情况下。第一轮动画交付后,团队就修改了他们的猜测,看看哪些有效,哪些无效。该软件还允许团队获得尽可能精确的连续性。
  • The operational results were impressive. The team was able to edit a complex CGI-filled timeline for the silver-screen return of Paddington Bear. They were able to bring to life a beloved character in a live-action/CGI-animated sequel, with complex production requirements and a leading character that wasn’t flesh and bone. The software provided the flexibility they needed, handling a colossal timeline with ease and supporting the entire operation. It enabled playback in high resolution and brought greater efficiency to the task of organizing the huge amount of media. The team was able to work with a guide’s voice for a long time until they were certain which scenes were going to make it into the final cut. The length of a scene was another major consideration, and it was a guessing game from the beginning, especially with the absence of the main character. Once the first round of animations was delivered, the team revised their guesses to see what worked and what didn’t. The software also allowed the team to get the continuity as precise as possible. The end result of Paddington 2 is a combination of these elements that create the memorable physical comedy.
  • Handled a colossal timeline with over 20 layers of audio and a similar amount of video.
  • Enabled playback in high resolution.
  • Supported the entire operation and brought greater efficiency to the task of organizing the huge amount of media.

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