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MoEngage > 实例探究 > Luxstay 通过细分和个性化将参与率提高了 60%

Luxstay 通过细分和个性化将参与率提高了 60%

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  • 网络与连接 - 5G
  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
  • 建筑物
  • 城市与自治市
  • 采购
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 行为与情绪追踪
  • 牲畜监测
Luxstay 是一家位于越南胡志明市的在线短期租赁平台和酒店服务。 Luxstay 成立于 2016 年,旨在弥合房主和旅行者之间的差距,让自助旅行变得更容易,并帮助房主从其房产中获得更多收入。 Luxstay 在越南备受追捧的度假胜地提供多种住宿选择,如公寓、别墅、单间公寓和独栋别墅。 Luxstay 拥有超过 15,000 套房源,每月预订量约为 20,000 笔,每月增长率为 20%。
Luxstay 是一家总部位于越南的在线短期租赁平台,其用户参与策略面临着挑战。越南的房屋共享市场竞争激烈,要求 Luxstay 在所有渠道上提供个性化且一致的沟通。然而,他们现有的营销自动化平台存在局限性,包括缺乏用户行为分析、渠道连接差距以及用户参与度没有适当的连续性。这些问题对品牌的活跃使用和转化产生了负面影响。 COVID-19 大流行使事情变得更加复杂,因为 Luxstay 需要在持续的不确定性期间与用户保持一致的沟通。该团队希望了解用户行为,根据各种属性对用户进行细分,并整合所有参与渠道。然而,他们当前的解决方案无法满足这些需求,导致 Luxstay 寻求一个可以提供更统一参与的平台。
为了应对日益扩大的参与度差距和 COVID-19 大流行的高峰,Luxstay 的营销团队决定采用不同的用户参与平台。经过深思熟虑和严格研究,他们选择了MoEngage。该平台使 Luxstay 能够自动化参与、细分用户和个性化沟通。 Luxstay 的团队首先使用 MoEngage 的自定义细分来整理和分析客户数据,这有助于他们了解购买行为以及用户与其应用程序和网站的交互。这种理解使 Luxstay 能够通过将客户需求与可用房产相匹配来个性化用户体验。 Luxstay 还使用 MoEngage 的数据将用户分为四类:单独旅行者、没有婴儿的夫妇、有一个或多个孩子的夫妇以及一起旅行的朋友。这些用户根据他们的行为进一步细分,例如住宿的价格范围、入住类型和位置。这种细分使 Luxstay 能够个性化他们的沟通并提高转化率。
  • The implementation of MoEngage's platform led to significant improvements in Luxstay's user engagement and conversion rates. By understanding and segmenting their users, Luxstay was able to personalize their communication and improve conversions. For instance, they found that their main customers were primarily couples who book homestays, a segment that remained largely unaffected even during COVID-19. Luxstay also utilized MoEngage's User Path Analysis to understand the steps taken by a user before making a purchase and the pattern of users who uninstall the app. They used MoEngage's channels such as push notification, email, and in-app push, to reach and engage users. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Luxstay paused all paid ad campaigns and focused on channels like email, in-app push, push notification, and on-site messaging to connect with users. Post the nationwide unlock in April end, Luxstay ran a promotion campaign to announce the reopening of booking for homestays. They also ran a targeted website campaign to showcase a curated collection of properties in safe locations available for booking.
  • 5X Increase in Conversions
  • 1.8X Growth in Monthly Active Users
  • 60% Boost in Engagement Rate

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