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Tata Communications > 实例探究 > 托管托管平台


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 Managed Hosting Platform - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 网络与连接 - 网络管理和分析软件
  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 连接平台
  • 商业运营
  • 时间敏感网络

Formula 1® 是一项每一毫秒都很重要的运动。随着喜好的变化和数字媒体的发展,许多球迷选择通过 F1.com 网站体验这项运动。该网站需要始终如一地为全球数千万粉丝提供卓越的体验。因此,必须拥有一个强大的平台,该平台可以提供所需的性能和规模,同时满足不断增长的流量和动态粉丝期望。一些主要挑战包括: • 每个比赛周末,Formula1.com 都会吸引多达 700 万粉丝。管理网站流量的巨大激增需要一个可扩展的托管平台,该平台可以同时让数百万粉丝无缝体验这项运动的刺激。 • 全球的球迷希望通过跨多种设备的丰富和增强的比赛内容获得引人入胜的身临其境的体验。为了满足这一要求,Formula1.com 需要一个强大的平台,能够跨屏幕提供实时更新和信息,无论是平板电脑、电视还是智能手机。 • 像 Formula 1® 这样的全球品牌需要确保在全球所有平台上提供一致的用户体验。这种丰富内容的一致交付不会因停机或任何其他问题而受到损害。 • 在全球网站普遍受到威胁的时代,Formula 1® 需要一个准备好应对对其网站的任何挑战的平台。他们需要一种能够提供一致性、可扩展性并同时受到持续监控、安全且可靠的解决方案。


Formula1.com 托管在 Tata Communications 数据中心的托管冗余托管平台上。这样做是为了支持冗余的动态故障转移功能。交付网络通过 Tata Communications 的内容交付网络在全球范围内为 Formula1.com 部署。这也是有史以来第一次将 Formula1.com 的网络和内容分发整合到一个弹性平台上。 Tata Communications 国际标准数据中心拥有强大的企业级安全策略来识别和预防威胁。通过使用来自单一提供商的托管和 CDN 服务的组合来发布和分发网站内容,Formula 1® 受益于更有效的内容和图像交付。这个全球内容分发平台以弹性和高容量的塔塔全球网络为基础,缓存内容以使追随者能够更快地访问 Formula1.com 页面。整个平台由经验丰富的 IT 和数据中心专业人员团队 24/7 全天候管理和监控,以确保安全性和可用性。

  • [Product Improvement - Scalability]
    Formula 1® benefits from a platform that is built to meet its unique requirements, only paying for what it uses, but with the ability to grow services and infrastructure as its needs evolve. With a six-level scalable platform that is designed and mana
  • [Data Management - Data Security]
    With millions of fans accessing the website, it is critical that the audiovisual of Formula1.com needs to be up to global standards. Tata Communications have deployed layers of security to protect Formula1.com against hacking and DDoS attack to ensur
  • Proactive monitoring - F1’s complex IT infrastructure requires dedicated customized to manage and maintain its servers. Tata Communications do this in one of their state-of-the-art centers that have best-in-class 99.95% uptime and availability through proactive, 24x7x365 management. This has delivered huge benefits in terms of saving time, money and resources, while also ensuring F1® consistently benefits from the high availability and performance.

  • Enhanced solutions - Tata Communications’ service platform can handle a variety of technologies, instead of having separate service providers for hosting, storage, content delivery and so on - it all works together from a single solution platform. Formula 1® needed a robust solution that can also offer added features like a global CDN service and Tata Communications equip them with a customized solution that allows F1® to deliver audiovisual race content to the sports’ hundreds of millions of fans seamlessly across the globe.

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