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- Europe
- Italy
- Forcepoint Web Security
- Forcepoint Email Security
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- Enterprise-wide Deployment
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- 网络安全和隐私 - 云安全
- 网络安全和隐私 - 网络安全
- 离散制造
- 商业运营
- 网络安全
- 边缘计算与边缘智能
- 系统集成
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
Marcegaglia 是全球领先的钢铁加工公司。其全球业务包括 7,000 名员工、60 个商业单位、210 个代表处和 43 家工厂,总占地面积达 600 万平方米。该公司每年加工超过 500 万吨钢铁,每天为超过 15,000 名客户生产 5,500 公里不锈钢和碳钢产品。Marcegaglia 家族于 1959 年创立该公司,总部位于意大利曼托瓦的 Gazoldo degli Ippoliti。
领先的钢铁加工公司 Marcegaglia 高度依赖其技术和数据的完整性来支持其生产活动和全球战略。该公司拥有约 2,000 名拥有个人账户和电子邮件地址的授权用户。2008 年,Marcegaglia 首席技术官 Renzo Rossi 开始寻找一种更高效、更安全的方式,让数千名用户安全地访问网络内容。Rossi 认识到,需要在整个公司范围内建立更高效的导航流程,同时实时保护员工和数据,并在网络风险不断发展的同时实施和改进内部技术。
2008 年,Marcegaglia 安装了 Forcepoint Web Security。这一决定源于广泛的研究和对替代解决方案的测试。Marcegaglia 借此机会测试了 Forcepoint Web 解决方案的功能,这让这一决定变得轻而易举。Forcepoint Web Security 解决方案的一部分是 Forcepoint 的云智能,它提供实时威胁分析。这为 Marcegaglia 的关键数据引入了高级威胁控制和保护,提供了业界领先的防御高级恶意软件、混合威胁和垃圾邮件的能力。这种积极的首次体验是 Marcegaglia 决定升级和扩展对公司电子邮件帐户的保护的关键因素。它选择 Forcepoint 电子邮件安全是因为它能够隔离嵌入电子邮件中的可疑链接,并在用户尝试从任何设备打开它们时立即分析目的地。
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Case Study
Enel Secures Italian Power Generation Network
Electric energy operators around the world are working to increase the reliability and cyber resiliency of their systems. This includes Enel, a global power company that manages and monitors the Italian power grid. This grid:• Serves 31 million customers• Has a net installed energy capacity exceeding 31 gigawatts• Includes more than 500 power generation plants,including hydroelectric, thermoelectric, and wind• Is managed and monitored by Enel 24/7/365• Is operated by Terna, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO)Enel is responsible for the availability of the grid’s underlying ICS and industrial network. It also manages Regional Control Centers and Interconnection Centers which connect with the TSO. The TSO manages the flow of energy to the grid plus controls and remotely regulates the power generation of power plants, increasing and decreasing power production as required. The complex system of interaction and cooperation between Enel and the TSO has strong security implications as well as operational and business challenges.
Case Study
VIPER Aid to Acoustic Positioning
Applied Acoustics Easytrak Portable acoustic navigation system can undertake a wide range of tracking and positioning tasks for seabed mapping, towfish tracking and controlling robotic vehicles. It is also used to locate subsea divers, so is critical to the safety of personnel. To deal with difficult operating environment, a robust single board computer is required.
Case Study
A Smarter Brain for Your Train…
Have you ever felt overloaded by too much sensory input? The results can be problematic, even risky if you’re driving at the time. The same holds true for trains, ships, oil rigs, and many other industrial assets. The data processing challenges on these complex machines are growing rapidly as the number of sensors increases; yet so are the opportunities to transform operations by using all the available data effectively. A modern locomotive, for example, has as many as 200 sensors generating more than a billion data points per second.
Case Study
A repeatable model for industrial data intelligence
Exara’s oil and gas client required a reliable way to gather, store, and process data from sophisticated machine assets in remote oil field sites. These harsh, real world environments present significant challenges for high performance computing devices.
Case Study
Securing the Connected Car Ecosystem
In-vehicle communications and entertainment system hosts high-value or sensitive applications. API libraries facilitate communication and sharing of vehicle data. These API libraries are vulnerable to reverse engineering and tampering attacks and may even result in loss of passenger safety. Attackers can inject malware that may be able to migrate to other in-car networks such as the controller-area-network (CAN) bus which links to the vehicle’s critical systems. Software provided for dealers to interface with cars through the OBD2 port is vulnerable to reverse engineering and tampering attacks. Hackers may be able to abuse these tools to inject malicious code into the ECUs and CAN bus. Attackers can lift the cryptographic keys used, and use that to build their own rogue apps/software. Their cloned version of the original app/software may have altered functionality, and may intend to gain access to other in-car networks.
Case Study
IIC - Edge Intelligence Testbed
A test environment is needed for algorithms and architectures that meets a common set of requirements for many testbeds (see "Testbed in Depth")GOAL:A test facility that can be configured into complex edge compute environments, in order to further the state-of-the-art in edge analytics and algorithms