- 分析与建模 - 实时分析
- 网络安全和隐私 - 身份认证管理
- 玻璃
- 塑料
- 物流运输
- 销售与市场营销
- 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
- 供应链可见性(SCV)
Polymers International 是一家成立于 1995 年的全球性公司,以其对塑料和橡胶行业的贡献而闻名。该公司专门从事高性能弹性体、工程塑料、有机硅、特种聚烯烃和薄膜的营销、销售和分销。它为全球客户提供服务,其中澳大利亚和新西兰是其主要市场。该公司在跟踪每月约 200 批发货量方面面临挑战,导致客户不满意和运营效率低下。
Polymers International 是塑料和橡胶行业的全球参与者,在跟踪每月约 200 件发货量的变化方面面临着重大挑战。缺乏有效的跟踪机制导致难以让客户了解货运状态,从而导致混乱和客户服务质量不佳。运营团队必须访问多个承运商网站来收集发货地点的最新信息,这个过程不仅耗时且容易出错,而且还会分散团队对更关键任务的注意力。跟踪更新的不准确导致客户对发货状态的查询激增。该团队还难以及时获取有关出发和到达时间变化的信息,这使得向客户提供准确的交货日期变得困难。此外,该公司无法利用重要的洞察力,例如提供最佳服务的承运商的可见性、确保成本效益和快速交付的贸易路线,从而损害了他们识别成本节约机会和做出明智决策的能力。
Polymers International 寻求一种解决方案,能够在单一平台上提供其所有全球货运的实时可见性。 GoComet 的 GoTrack 自动货运跟踪模块提供了他们所需的解决方案。 GoTrack 自动化了端到端的货运跟踪流程,消除了人为依赖,并节省了以前跟踪货运所需的 90% 的时间。这种自动化使运营团队能够专注于更关键的任务。该模块提供实时货物跟踪,使公司能够主动应对中断,有效规划其供应链运营,并消除滞留和滞期费的可能性。 GoTrack 的综合仪表板及其生成有关运营商绩效的详细报告的能力使该公司能够做出明智的决策并确定最可靠的服务提供商。该解决方案还显着改善了 Polymers International 的客户服务,将客户有关发货跟踪的查询减少了 80%,并允许该公司直接与客户共享特定订单的实时跟踪更新。
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Case Study
Plastic Spoons Case study: Injection Moulding
In order to meet customer expectations by supplying a wide variety of packaging units, from 36 to 1000 spoons per package, a new production and packaging line needed to be built. DeSter wanted to achieve higher production capacity, lower cycle time and a high degree of operator friendliness with this new production line.

Case Study
Boiler Control System for Plastic Manufacturing Applications
Factory automation applications must be equipped to handle and monitor the myriads of information from attached devices. For plastic manufacturing applications, the boiler control system plays a critical role by gathering and regulating information to ensure production is accurate and smooth. In this particular case, the customer combines eight subsystems that include power meters, water meters, alarm output, displays, and I/O status to be controlled by several intelligent controllers with Modbus RTU interface. The Modbus TCP protocol is used for this application due to the distance. System Requirements: • Modbus serial to Modbus TCP translation • Multiple slaves/masters support • Automatic Modbus TCP response time detection

Case Study
Ascend Performance Materials Case Study
Ascend operations must access multiple software systems to manage day-to-day operations in an effective and secure manner. These systems generate large sets of data which contain critical information pertaining to management systems, planning and cost information in business systems and energy consumption. As a result, Ascend management was challenged with creating relevant reports reflecting performance measures in overall context of their operational process. The company’s previous process entailed collecting and analyzing data manually which was not effective, since the information collected was generated after the fact, and was too complex for collaborative use across the organization.

Case Study
Remake Enterprise-to-production System
The client was running a legacy material flow tracking system and wanted to replace the system with a more effective one as the system was increasingly expensive to maintain and support and also was not extendable. The client's IT landscape was filled with modern applications and it was difficult to interface the material flow tracking system with modern applications.
Case Study
Discrete Manufacturing Industries (Fiberglass Pipe)
The implementation of ERP software in a Discrete Manufacturing organization needs to be strategic, irrespective of its size and capacity. The client had already implemented an ERP system which fulfilled their requirements but was not efficient enough. Efficiency here meant Synchronized Planning, Updating and Multisite Planning. Planning at client’s place was done outside the ERP system. Lack of proper synchronization to the ERP system paved way to huge delays in the changes getting updated in the system. These delays caused disruption in achieving delivery schedules. Multisite Planning is a solution to an organization which has multiple production units (may or may not be geographically separated) and thus needs planning across these units to synchronize production activities within them. The client also has multiple factories and hence Production Planning control is very essential in their case. Since Multisite planning was not possible with Baan ERP system, this was another bottleneck for the client.