- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 传感器 - 电表
- 水泥
- 海洋与航运
- 采购
- 销售与市场营销
- 楼宇自动化与控制
- 智慧城市供水管理
Aqqua 的主要客户是船主和希望在巴西租船的个人。发现维护船只成本高昂的船主可以在 Aqqua 上列出他们的船只以赚取额外收入。另一方面,那些买不起船但希望在水上度过一天的人可以找到并租一艘适合自己需求的船,无论是钓鱼、水上运动还是只是巡航。 Aqqua 还为这两个团体提供了直接沟通和协商租赁交易的平台。
Aqqua 的创始人雷纳托·贡萨尔维斯 (Renato Goncalves) 指出了巴西划船业面临的重大挑战。巴西的船只价格高得令人望而却步,大约需要 120 个月的最低工资,而美国则需要 14 个月。这种高昂的成本使得许多希望在水上享受一天的巴西人无法拥有船只。雷纳托 (Renato) 拥有 13 年的划船行业经验,他看到了一个机会,可以通过创建一个平台让划船变得更容易,船主可以在该平台上以实惠的价格列出自己的船只。然而,雷纳托面临另一个挑战:他需要一个可以支持应用程序创建的平台,而无需广泛的编码知识。
Renato 选择 Bubble(一个无代码平台)来构建 Aqqua。 Bubble 提供了他创建应用程序所需的所有功能,而无需编码。 Aquaqua 是船主和乘客的市场。船主注册并列出有关其船只的详细信息,例如船型、发动机功率、地区、燃气类型和座位数。他们可以管理他们的列表、更改他们的个人资料以及接收来自感兴趣的乘客的聊天消息。乘客注册后可以搜索自己选择的地区的船只,通过应用程序直接与船主聊天,甚至达成租赁交易。 Renato 还使用 Bubble 为他的销售团队构建了一个内部 CRM 和销售工具,取代了混乱的 Google 电子表格系统。
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Case Study
System 800xA at Indian Cement Plants
Chettinad Cement recognized that further efficiencies could be achieved in its cement manufacturing process. It looked to investing in comprehensive operational and control technologies to manage and derive productivity and energy efficiency gains from the assets on Line 2, their second plant in India.
Case Study
Drill ship power challenge: hybrid solution solves distribution issues
Aspin Kemp & Associates (AKA), a manufacturer of electrical power and control systems headquartered in Montague, PEI, encountered one with its hybrid power initiative, the first hybrid drill floor destined for installation on ultra-deepwater drill ships operated by Transocean, Swiss offshore drilling contractors. Since on-site modification was impossible and scrap recycling of any modifications was unacceptable, the enclosures had to arrive ready-to-install.
Case Study
Ensures Tanker Safety and Emissions Compliance
Storage tanks are irregular in shape and a certain amount of mathematical modelling is required to get an accurate representation of volume and, more importantly, the weight of material in each tank. In addition, countries have different emission regulations, so the ships position needed to be accurately known in order to geotag emission data.
Case Study
Real-time Networked Sonar System for Ships
A multinational, knowledge-based corporation that delivers marine electronics solutions is utilizing industrial Ethernet technology to help ensure that operations at sea are dependable and optimal. Based in Europe, the company has nearly 4000 employees working in 20 countries around the world, and produces high-tech systems for offshore oil and gas operations, merchant marine systems, and various applications for the defense and aerospace industries. The company produces products and systems used by merchant vessels and offshore installations for positioning, navigation, automation, as well as for surveying and monitoring the seabed, and for fishing vessels and fi sheries research. As one of the major suppliers of high quality marine electronics in the world, their products include chart plotters for yachts, triple redundant dynamic positioning systems for oil drilling rigs, and sonar and instrument systems for scientifi c research vessels. Products used for marine applications must be rugged enough to endure the corrosive effects of salt water, and be able to withstand excessive amounts of vibration and shock. For this reason, the company only uses DNV and GL certified products and components to ensure that their systems can meet the high standards required by the maritime industry.
Case Study
Digital Transformation of Atlanta Grout & Tile: An IoT Case Study
Atlanta Grout & Tile, a Tile, Stone & Grout restoration company based in Woodstock, Georgia, was facing challenges with its traditional business model. Despite steady growth over the years, the company was falling behind the web revolution and missing out on the opportunity to tap into a new consumer base. They were using independent software from different vendors for each of their department information and workforce management. This resulted in a lot of manual work on excel and the need to export/import data between different systems. This not only increased overhead costs but also slowed down their response to clients. The company also had to prepare numerous reports manually and lacked access to customer trends for effective business decision-making.