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Alludo > 实例探究 > 使用 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 彻底改变漫画和动画行业:Mauricio de Sousa 产品案例研究

使用 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 彻底改变漫画和动画行业:Mauricio de Sousa 产品案例研究

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Mauricio de Sousa Produções 是一家总部位于巴西圣保罗的资深漫画公司。该公司拥有 50 多年的历史,拥有一支多元化的艺术家团队,包括设计师、墨水师、作家和插画师。他们合作为电视、玩具和授权等各种平台创作动画。该公司面临着紧迫的期限、有限的生产能力以及成品艺术品的物理存储空间需求等挑战。他们寻求现代化和简化运营,旨在增加产量、降低成本并提高艺术品质量。
Zazo Aguiar 是一位经验丰富的设计师和动画师,他受巴西一家拥有 50 年历史的漫画公司 Mauricio de Sousa Produções 的聘用,负责公司运营的现代化和精简。该公司拥有 500 名员工,由设计师、墨水师、作家和插画师组成,他们合作创作电视动画、玩具和授权。然而,该公司正在努力应对日益紧迫的期限、有限的生产能力以及存储成品铅笔艺术品和艺术品所需的物理存储空间。事实证明,使用铅笔创建字符,然后付费使用墨水来添加最终颜色的传统方法既耗时又昂贵。显然,我们需要一种能够实现设计流程自动化、提高产量、降低成本并消除对物理存储空间的需求的解决方案。
该公司采用了 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite,这是 Zazo 于 1996 年首次使用的设计软件。该软件能够扫描艺术品并创建精美的成品漫画,从而实现设计过程的自动化。过渡到 CorelDRAW 是一项战略举措,使公司能够利用数字技术来提高产量并降低成本,而无需雇用更多员工或购买更多物理空间。尽管培训员工新设计技术的运营成本很高,但艺术品的卓越品质和纸张成本的节省却是巨大的。在动画行业,像 CorelDRAW 这样的矢量软件对于创建高质量、详细的艺术作品至关重要。 CorelDRAW 的矢量易于操作,有助于进行任何所需的微调或修正。矢量文件还可以调整大小以用于横幅和户外面板,而不会降低质量。
  • The adoption of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has brought about a significant transformation in the operations of Mauricio de Sousa Produções. The company has been able to modernize its design process, moving away from traditional pencil and ink to digital design. This has not only increased the production capacity but also improved the quality of the artwork. The software's features, such as easily manipulated vectors, transparency, and shadow effects, have facilitated fine-tuning and corrections, enabling the creation of high-quality, detailed artwork. The company has also been able to meet tight deadlines more effectively. Despite the initial operational cost to train employees in the new design technology, the overall benefits have been substantial, making the transition a real economic advantage.
  • Significant reduction in the time taken to create a finished comic, from several days to just three days per page.
  • Significant savings on paper costs due to the transition from traditional pencil and ink to digital design.
  • Increased production capacity without the need to hire additional staff or acquire more physical space.

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