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Mauricio de Sousa Produções 是一家总部位于巴西圣保罗的资深漫画公司。该公司拥有 50 多年的历史,拥有一支多元化的艺术家团队,包括设计师、墨水师、作家和插画师。他们合作为电视、玩具和授权等各种平台创作动画。该公司面临着紧迫的期限、有限的生产能力以及成品艺术品的物理存储空间需求等挑战。他们寻求现代化和简化运营,旨在增加产量、降低成本并提高艺术品质量。
Zazo Aguiar 是一位经验丰富的设计师和动画师,他受巴西一家拥有 50 年历史的漫画公司 Mauricio de Sousa Produções 的聘用,负责公司运营的现代化和精简。该公司拥有 500 名员工,由设计师、墨水师、作家和插画师组成,他们合作创作电视动画、玩具和授权。然而,该公司正在努力应对日益紧迫的期限、有限的生产能力以及存储成品铅笔艺术品和艺术品所需的物理存储空间。事实证明,使用铅笔创建字符,然后付费使用墨水来添加最终颜色的传统方法既耗时又昂贵。显然,我们需要一种能够实现设计流程自动化、提高产量、降低成本并消除对物理存储空间的需求的解决方案。
该公司采用了 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite,这是 Zazo 于 1996 年首次使用的设计软件。该软件能够扫描艺术品并创建精美的成品漫画,从而实现设计过程的自动化。过渡到 CorelDRAW 是一项战略举措,使公司能够利用数字技术来提高产量并降低成本,而无需雇用更多员工或购买更多物理空间。尽管培训员工新设计技术的运营成本很高,但艺术品的卓越品质和纸张成本的节省却是巨大的。在动画行业,像 CorelDRAW 这样的矢量软件对于创建高质量、详细的艺术作品至关重要。 CorelDRAW 的矢量易于操作,有助于进行任何所需的微调或修正。矢量文件还可以调整大小以用于横幅和户外面板,而不会降低质量。
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Case Study
Rapid and Simple Installation Provides Access to Critical Data
The customer needed to monitor non-contact alignment and non-contact process temperature in different positions along a 100-meter production line. Space around the line is tight and operators and forklift trucks are passing by constantly. Installation of correctly routed cables from sensors back to the control station would have been expensive and would have taken too long and caused too much disruption to ongoing operations.
Case Study
Real-Time IoT Tracking and Visualization Improve Manufacturing
Shimane Fujitsu, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fujitsu and a leading manufacturer of business notebooks and tablets, set out to improve processes where factory inspections found product errors. Prioritizing product rework based on shipping date was challenging, and it caused Shimane Fujitsu to incur additional shipping fees. The company needed a way to collect data to better track the location of products in the rework cycle as well as monitor progress in real time. The collected data would also help process analysis for future improvements.
Case Study
Automatic Vision Inspection Solution for Product Traceability
With greater market demand for food safety, traceability is receiving increasingly more attention in the food and beverage industry as well as the packaging industry. One of the world's leading providers of beverage containers required a system to identify bar codes and alphanumeric characters on ink-jet-printed labels at a run rate of 7 units and minimum 99.9% accuracy. Since there were few engineers in the factory, the customer sought to implement a reliable system with an easy-to-use GUI for workers with a less technical background.
Case Study
Centralizing Data for Improved Efficiency: A Case Study on Malvern Panalytical
Malvern Panalytical, a UK-based hi-tech electronics company, was grappling with the challenge of decentralized data storage. The company had a vast amount of unstructured data scattered across various platforms, from hard drives to emails and floppy disks. This made the data searching process extremely cumbersome and inefficient. The company's rapid growth, from 200 to over 1,000 employees in a decade, and expansion across three continents further exacerbated the need for a more structured and centralized data system. As a company involved in electronics manufacturing and software development, it was crucial for Malvern Panalytical to find a platform that could structure all their data, track all modifications of documents in real time, and provide clear visibility of the internal information flow across all its facilities.
Case Study
Automated Inspection of Axial Piston Motors
Earth moving machines require an immense energy source to provide the power they need for use within civil engineering works. ‘Hydraulic Motors’ allow this power to be applied to enable the machines movement and in addition ‘Control Valves’ also provide the operator with the precise feel and control required to undertake the necessary tasks needed for such machines, including trenching, rock breaking and demolition. These same motors are also used in cranes, wheel loaders and general construction equipment. Though not a new product, the designs of such motors and control valves have been around a few decades, the overall method for manufacture has changed rapidly over the last few years to take account of the need for more modular designs, manufacture and just-in-time manufacturing. Kawasaki Precision Machinery (UK) Ltd based in Plymouth, UK is one of the leading manufacturers of such motors and pumps. They approached Industrial Vision Systems Ltd to come up with a solution to provide automated inspection of such pumps for their semi-automated assembly process. The pumps requiring inspection are at a sub-assembly stage when they are due for the inspection process to take place. Due to the highly modular nature of the construction each part of the pump can have many different derivatives which overall have a different effect on the pump in industrial use. It is therefore critical for the manufacturing process to check all components are the correct type and number for the construction of the pump to begin. Once built it is difficult and costly to rework such units if a fault is detected later in the manufacturing process, therefore automated visual inspection is critical for the success in building quality motors and pumps.