- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 化学品
- 电子商务
- 销售与市场营销
- 仓库和库存管理
- 需求计划与预测
- 库存管理
- 系统集成
SAFIO Solutions 是一家电子商务和供应链 SaaS 供应商,总部位于威斯康星州布鲁克菲尔德。该公司提供基于云的预测软件解决方案来优化库存。该软件是由创始人 Audrey Walby 于近二十年前创建的,她看到需要一种准确、高效、全面的工具来使预测过程更加有效。该软件连接所有数据渠道,并将客户的重要销售和库存信息集成到一个平台中,以便为库存优化和整体公司绩效提高提供战略决策。
SAFIO Solutions 是一家电子商务和供应链 SaaS 供应商,在将来自不同来源的多个数据渠道集成到其解决方案中时面临着重大挑战。这些数据可能来自客户的 ERP、Excel 文件、QuickBooks、Shopify、亚马逊等电子商务市场。集成过程对于 SAFIO Solutions 及其客户来说至关重要,但选项有限、耗时,有时还需要手动过程。该公司最初与一家未能满足其需求的集成提供商合作。他们需要一个能够改善客户体验、具有成本竞争力、缩短创收时间并有助于扩展 SAFIO 解决方案业务的替代品。由于客户使用各种应用程序、渠道和 ERP 系统进行运营,而每个系统都有不同的集成要求,因此这一挑战变得更加复杂。
SAFIO Solutions 在 Celigo(一个多功能集成平台)中找到了他们的解决方案。该公司的首席技术官 David Zey 在选择解决方案时考虑了几个关键要素:良好的集成、支持、成本效益以及解决未来问题的能力。 Celigo 满足了所有这些要求,提供了基于实际集成点的定价模型,而不是基于客户的使用情况或带宽。该模型是一个主要吸引力,因为它意味着对流量没有限制。一旦 SAFIO 解决方案团队学会了如何使用 Celigo,他们就能够加快实施速度,用更少的资源同时运行多个项目。该解决方案的灵活性使他们能够更轻松地思考不同的方法来解决客户的需求。 Celigo 还保留了发生故障时的原始数据,以便进行重新处理和更清晰的操作工作流程。
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Case Study
Honeywell - Tata Chemicals Improves Data Accessibility with OneWireless
Tata was facing data accessibility challenges in the cement plant control room tapping signals from remote process control areas and other distant locations, including the gas scrubber. Tata needed a wireless solution to extend its control network securely to remote locations that would also provide seamless communication with existing control applications.

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Advanced Elastomer Systems Upgrades Production
In order to maintain its share of the international market for thermoplastic elastomers AES recently expanded its Florida plant by adding a new production line. While the existing lines were operating satisfactorily using a PROVOX distributed control system with traditional analog I/O, AES wanted advanced technology on the new line for greater economy, efficiency, and reliability. AES officials were anxious to get this line into production to meet incoming orders, but two hurricanes slowed construction.

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Wireless GPS Tracking & Security Monitoring
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Field Device Asset Management For Chemical Company in China
Chinese chemical subsidiary of multinational corporation serves customers throughout the world. Sales offices and research and technology centers are strategically located to provide rapid response to customer requests. Just two workers were assigned to maintain thousands of intelligent instruments in three production units, so they could do little more than react to device issues as they appeared. This costly maintenance method inevitably led to unexpected downtime when a critical instrument failed. Plant management recognized the need to change from reactive to predictive maintenance for all assets, including instruments and control valves, but help was needed in implementing such a technology-based initiative.

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Industrial Workforce Mobility for Improved Safety & Operations
Huntsman Corporation, a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals, undertook an aggressive program to eliminate injuries, product defects, and environmental releases at their Port Neches facility. Termed “Project Zero”, this program required a completely mobile solution to empower operations and maintenance personnel to capture defects, track work progress and make process and safety related decisions in real-time.