Large Corporate
- America
- United States
- Trusted Thin Client
- Trusted Gateway System
- Microsoft Terminal Services
- Citrix technology
- IBM System x x86 servers
- Hewlett-Packard thin clients
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Productivity Improvements
- Cost Savings
- Energy Saving
- 网络安全和隐私 - 网络安全
- 网络与连接 - 网络管理和分析软件
- 国家安全与国防
- 离散制造
- 质量保证
- 网络安全
- 远程协作
- 系统集成
- 软件设计与工程服务
位于贝尔沃堡的陆军分析中心 (CAA) 为陆军部总部提供最先进的分析支持。在对参谋部和主要司令部、国防部 (DoD) 和作战司令部关注的与陆军相关的重要战略和作战问题进行研究时,CAA 完全依赖信息管理系统来执行关键的分析功能。CAA 的任务是在联合和联合作战的背景下对陆军部队和系统进行分析,其中包括在部队结构、作战能力、资源分析、战备、可持续性以及后勤和人事流程等领域进行战区级调查。
陆军分析中心 (CAA) 所采用的基础设施要求每个用户在其工作区拥有四个独立的工作站和一个黑匣子 KVM 切换器才能访问所有指挥、控制、通信、计算机和信息管理 (C4I) 网络。这导致硬件重复和大量耗电。CAA 面临的另一个问题是在多个网络之间移动机密信息的时间严重缩减。这阻碍了关键的全球反恐战争和作战分析的执行。
CAA 聘请 Forcepoint™ 实施 Trusted Thin Client® 和 Trusted Gateway System™ 解决方案,以满足其多级跨域访问和传输需求。Trusted Thin Client 可同时安全访问在不同敏感度级别运行的 Microsoft® Windows® 应用程序 - 全部通过单个桌面完成。Trusted Thin Client 是一个受控接口,可访问 CAA 总部内的四个网络。该系统利用两个 IBM® System x® x86 服务器作为后端分发控制台,利用 Hewlett-Packard® 瘦客户端作为桌面,配置为使用 Microsoft Terminal Services 和 Citrix® 技术远程连接到高端和低端网络服务器。实施 Trusted Gateway System 是为了为授权的 CAA 分析师提供实时数据源。用户可以从其 Trusted Thin Client 环境内访问 Trusted Gateway System,无需额外的桌面硬件。Trusted Gateway System 允许用户及时在其四个网络之间进行不同数据的多向传输,从而为用户提供一种安全的信息共享方式。可信网关系统还提供了强大的屏障,以防止来自较低级别网络的攻击(例如,渗透尝试)。
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Case Study
Data Capture for Afghanistan Forces
Electronic equipments on the field of Afghanistan provided information on the status of the vehicle and to identify potential threats surrounding it to the British Force. The monitoring and interpretation of this data requires robust and sophisticated digitization for data capture and communication.
Case Study
Enhancing Security and Compliance in Remitly's Global Money Transfer Service with Fastly
Remitly, an online remittance service, was faced with the challenge of securing its proprietary global transfer network. The company needed a security solution that could meet PCI requirements and protect customers' sensitive transactions through its mobile application. The solution had to be capable of defending against new and emerging attack types without impacting performance. Remitly also had to deal with irregular traffic patterns, such as a sudden spike in account transfers from a small network segment on the Pacific coastline of South America. The company needed to determine in real time whether such traffic indicated an attack or valid requests. A traditional web application firewall (WAF) would not be able to distinguish this traffic, potentially leading to customer frustration if the IP was blacklisted.
Case Study
Major Aerospace Company Automates Asset Management
The O&M division of an aerospace and global security company was using spreadsheets to manually track more than 3,000 assets assigned to students and staff. Maintaining audit trails for this high volume of equipment became increasingly time-consuming and challenging. The chore involved knowing precisely what equipment was on hand, what had been issued, its location and the name of the custodial owner of each item. Every aspect of this task was carried owner of each item. Every aspect of this task was carried out by individuals with spreadsheets. Manually documenting the full lifecycle of each asset added to the burden. This included tracking maintenance requirements and records, incidents and damages, repairs, calibrations, depreciation, and end-of-life data.
Case Study
Securing a Large Data Center in the EMEA Region: An IoT Case Study
A leading data-center operator in the EMEA region, with multiple facilities spanning over 25,000 square meters, faced significant security challenges. The operator experienced interruptions in their internal IT network due to unsupervised work of third-party technicians. Despite having a high-end building control system that provided 24x7 monitoring and control to all the building’s infrastructure, the data center was vulnerable from a cyber perspective as it was connected to the IT network infrastructure. The operator launched an urgent OT cyber security project that included both IT-OT network segmentation and OT network asset mapping and anomaly detection. The main objectives were to harden the security of the server systems, secure the facility’s power supply and server cooling system, strengthen the segmentation between building and operational systems, create a visual OT network map, and set up a system for presenting supply-chain attacks that may threaten the data center through equipment vendors’ maintenance activities.
Case Study
Leveraging Graph Technology for Enhanced Cybersecurity: A Case Study on MITRE's CyGraph
MITRE, a federally-funded, not-for-profit company that manages seven national research and development laboratories in the United States, was grappling with the challenge of managing an influx of cybersecurity data. The constant changes in network environments were impacting the security posture of U.S. government agencies. Intrusion alerts, anti-virus warnings, and seemingly benign events like logins, service connections, and file share access were all potentially associated with adversary activity. The cybersecurity researchers at MITRE needed to go beyond rudimentary assessments of security posture and attack response. This required merging isolated data into higher-level knowledge of network-wide attack vulnerabilities and mission readiness. The challenge was not the lack of information, but the ability to assemble disparate pieces of information into an overall analytic picture for situational awareness, optimal courses of action, and maintaining mission readiness. The team also struggled with fully comprehending a given security environment and mapping all known vulnerabilities.
Case Study
Enhancing Security Precision with IoT: A Case Study of Guardsman Group
Guardsman Group, a leading security company in the Caribbean, faced a significant challenge in maintaining the security of its digital infrastructure. The company provides security equipment, personnel, and systems for various businesses across the region. However, one of its offices experienced a security incident that affected all communications at that location. The existing security tools were not sufficient to provide the necessary protection, and it took hours to identify the source of the issue. This incident highlighted the need for a dynamic solution that could proactively identify threats. The company's primary concern was any disruption to its business, as it manages a significant portion of Jamaica's money and cannot afford for its operations to go down.