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Uplight > 实例探究 > SMUD's Giveaway Hub Serves Low-to-Moderate Income Customers

SMUD's Giveaway Hub Serves Low-to-Moderate Income Customers

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Large Corporate
  • America
  • United States
  • Uplight’s Workflow Automation
  • Uplight’s Non-residential Portal
  • Uplight’s Marketplace
  • SMUD Energy Store
  • Energy Personalization Architecture
  • Advanced Data Science
  • Energy-specific Analytics
  • Enterprise-wide Deployment
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Cost Savings
  • Energy Saving
  • 分析与建模 - 数据即服务
  • 分析与建模 - 预测分析
  • 功能应用 - 远程监控系统
  • 公用事业
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 能源管理系统
  • 软件设计与工程服务
  • 系统集成
As a community-owned electric company, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) serves 1.5 million residents in California. In addition to using Uplight’s Workflow Automation and Non-residential Portal, the utility wanted a Marketplace to serve as a digital engagement platform that provides energy saving products and programs to their customers in a simple and seamless online experience, building on their role in the community as a trusted energy advisor. After involving customers in the Marketplace selection and development process, SMUD launched their Marketplace, powered by Uplight, in 2017. Due to COVID, SMUD has seen an influx of applications for Energy Assistance Program Rate (EAPR), a program that provides a monthly discount for qualified low-income customers. To better serve these customers, SMUD added a Giveaway Hub to their Marketplace, SMUD Energy Store, in November 2020, enabling them to offer items to customers at no cost.
For utilities, reaching low-to-moderate income (LMI) customers and encouraging them to visit energy utility Marketplaces are big challenges. These customers often don’t think their utility’s offers apply to them, especially if they are renters or live in multifamily homes. And, even when utilities are successful in getting these customers to visit a Marketplace, many don’t take action, prioritizing paying a utility bill over investing in a pricey smart thermostat. During a truly unprecedented year where more customers have more been impacted financially by the pandemic, every dollar saved on an energy bill counts. Some utilities have launched Giveaway Hubs in response to engage LMI customers, encourage them to visit utility Marketplaces, and enable them to add energy saving products to their homes. By providing these products at no-cost, these utilities are helping LMI customers save money while also promoting energy efficiency.
The Giveaway Hub is distinct from a utility’s Marketplace, but maintains the same look and feel. Utilities can direct targeted segments, such as LMI customers, to order free products, which includes the cost of the product, tax, and shipping. The Hub only features the products or kits that are available at no-cost, making it a quick and easy transaction for the customer—all without requiring a credit card or other payment information. The customer completes the same eligibility checks as in the Marketplace, using their address or account number. Utilities can add more validation fields, such as questions to verify someone is an LMI customer. Utilities can give away single products or bundles. One Northeastern utility has offered free conservation kits consisting of LED light bulbs, faucet aerator, low flow showerhead, and an advanced powerstrip to encourage energy efficiency all throughout the house. SMUD ran a campaign to give free, ENERGY STAR® certified holiday lights to a subset of LMI customers who are enrolled in EAPR and meet certain criteria around federal poverty level and TOU rate impact. Less than 48 hours after the holiday light promotion was launched, and with only half of the planned emails sent, SMUD reached their rebate cap for the program—putting holiday lights in the hands of 2.3K LMI customers. The results far exceeded SMUD's expectations—in prior years, SMUD had run similar programs for several months without hitting the rebate cap.
  • Uplight’s Marketplace and Giveaway Hub enabled a best-in-class ecommerce shopping experience for customers during the biggest ecommerce sale period of the year.
  • The Giveaway Hub spread holiday cheer at the end of a turbulent year—while also empowering more customers to save without spending a single penny.
  • Giveaway Hubs aren’t limited to LMI customers and the holiday season. They can be used to engage a variety of customer segments on any day to help them be more energy efficient all year round and strengthen the utility-customer relationship.
  • SMUD reached their rebate cap for the program in less than 48 hours.
  • 2.3K LMI customers received free holiday lights.

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