- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 传感器 - 自动驾驶传感器
- 水泥
- 电子产品
- 采购
- 销售与市场营销
- 楼宇自动化与控制
- 库存管理
- 培训
Startly 的客户主要是希望将自己的想法转变为资金充足的公司的新企业家。这些人可能有伟大的想法,但缺乏必要的知识或资源将这些想法转化为可行的企业。他们正在寻找一个可以指导他们完成整个过程的平台,从学习创业精神和发展他们的概念到与潜在投资者建立联系。 Startly 的游戏化方法吸引了这些客户,使创业过程更具吸引力,不再那么令人畏惧。该平台还吸引了希望与企业家建立联系并成为其创业之旅一部分的自由职业者和投资者。
Startly是一个创业管理平台,旨在帮助新企业家将他们的想法转变为资金充足的公司。该平台旨在提供一种游戏化、一体化的创业方法,包括学习、概念开发和社区建设模块。然而,挑战在于创建一个功能齐全的 Web 应用程序,而无需编写一行代码。创始人 David Griffin 拥有 IT 以及项目和产品管理职位的背景,但他需要一个低成本的解决方案,能够提供构建应用程序所需的所有功能和工具。
Griffin 选择了 Bubble 的无代码平台来构建 Startly。 Bubble 提供了一种低成本解决方案,具有构建功能齐全的 Web 应用程序所需的所有功能和工具,而无需编写任何代码。该平台设计有三个基本模块:学习、概念和社区。学习模块提供有关创业主题的简单课程,概念模块为企业家提供指导工具包,将他们的想法转化为投资者就绪的产品,社区模块为企业家、自由职业者和投资者提供联系和交流想法的空间。所有模块都紧密相连,企业家可以回顾相关课程,将任务外包给社区,并在成功完成所有任务并围绕他们的想法建立团队后将他们的想法提交给投资者。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.
Case Study
System 800xA at Indian Cement Plants
Chettinad Cement recognized that further efficiencies could be achieved in its cement manufacturing process. It looked to investing in comprehensive operational and control technologies to manage and derive productivity and energy efficiency gains from the assets on Line 2, their second plant in India.
Case Study
Predictive maintenance in Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric Le Vaudreuil factory in France is recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the world’s top nine most advanced “lighthouse” sites, applying Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies at large scale. It was experiencing machine-health and unplanned downtime issues on a critical machine within their manufacturing process. They were looking for a solution that could easily leverage existing machine data feeds, be used by machine operators without requiring complex setup or extensive training, and with a fast return on investment.
Case Study
Cloud Solution for Energy Management Platform-Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric required a cloud solution for its energy management platform to manage high computational operations, which were essential for catering to client requirements. As the business involves storage and analysis of huge amounts of data, the company also needed a convenient and scalable storage solution to facilitate operations efficiently.