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Telnyx > 实例探究 > 通过 Telnyx 简化全球活动连接

通过 Telnyx 简化全球活动连接

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 Streamlining global event connectivity with Telnyx - IoT ONE Case Study
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Clair Global 凭借五十多年的巡演经验,已成为为全球活动提供无线数据连接和 VoIP 电话服务的先驱。该公司专门提供面向粉丝的 Wi-Fi、生产 IT、票务、供应商连接、VoIP 电话系统和硬连线媒体连接。 Clair Global 拥有包括 Coachella 等重大活动以及 Dua Lipa 和 Harry Styles 等艺术家巡回演出的记录,已成为大规模提供高质量连接和通信解决方案的代名词,确保制作从一个地点到另一个地点无缝运行。


Clair Global 在为全球现场活动提供便携式连接服务方面拥有五十多年的悠久历史,但由于其复杂的运营商合作伙伴网络,面临着重大的运营挑战。每个运营商都有自己的 SIM 卡、计费系统和客户经理,从而导致大量的运营开销。该公司参与了科切拉音乐节和一级方程式迈阿密大奖赛等大型活动,因此需要一个无缝且可靠的连接解决方案,该解决方案可以在全球各个地点持续运行。管理不同的 SIM、处理数据限制以及处理众多运营商的不同计费系统给 Clair Global 带来了后勤难题,阻碍了他们提供大规模制作成功所需的高质量、可靠服务的能力。


Telnyx IoT SIM 卡和 SIP 中继的过渡标志着 Clair Global 的变革性解决方案,将其以前复杂的提供商网络简化为单一的全球运营商关系。这一转变使得只需一张多租户 SIM 卡即可访问 180 多个国家/地区的 400 多家网络提供商,从而无需根据地理位置交换和跟踪 SIM 卡。 Clair Global 开发运营经理 Spencer Lowe 表示,Telnyx 任务控制门户的使用进一步简化了数据限制和计费管理,将 SIM 卡管理时间显着减少了 70%。这一战略举措不仅减轻了运营负担,还增强了 Clair Global 专注于为客户提供卓越服务的能力。

  • By partnering with Telnyx, Clair Global has significantly streamlined its operations, moving away from a cumbersome network of multiple carriers to a unified, global connectivity solution. This strategic shift has not only reduced the time spent on managing SIM cards but also enhanced the company’s ability to serve its clients more efficiently. The adoption of Telnyx's technology has enabled Clair Global to ensure reliable connectivity for its devices worldwide, critical for the success of live events that demand consistent and high-quality network performance. This improvement in operational efficiency has allowed Clair Global to focus more on its core mission of delivering exceptional live event experiences.

  • The adoption of Telnyx IoT SIM Cards has enabled Clair Global to reach over 180 countries, providing expansive cellular data coverage essential for the company's global operations. This extensive reach ensures that Clair Global can deliver reliable connectivity solutions for events worldwide, regardless of location.

  • Switching to Telnyx has resulted in a 70% reduction in the time Clair Global spends managing SIM cards. This considerable decrease in operational overhead has allowed the company to allocate more resources towards enhancing customer service and focusing on its core competencies.

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