- 网络安全和隐私 - 入侵检测
- 网络与连接 - 网关
- 国家安全与国防
- 半导体
- 室内定位系统
- 篡改检测
- 硬件设计与工程服务
- 系统集成
加利福尼亚州奥兰治县高等法院是加利福尼亚州人口第二多县的初审法院。它审理民事、刑事、家庭、遗嘱认证和青少年案件。该法院在八个地点开展业务,拥有 3,000 名员工。它向公众、法律部门和合作机构提供互联网服务。法院负有维护法庭记录完整性的重大责任,同时为包括特定政府机构和公众在内的广大用户提供安全可靠的访问这些记录的途径。
加利福尼亚州奥兰治县高等法院在保护法庭记录免受潜在网络攻击的同时确保授权外部机构的安全远程访问方面面临着重大挑战。该法院在八个地点开展业务,拥有 3,000 名员工,为公众、法律部门和合作机构提供互联网服务。面临的挑战是在不超出预算的情况下将入侵保护扩展到所有阻塞点。法院需要保护法庭记录的完整性,同时允许广泛的用户在线访问。这一责任包括阻止来自外部来源的恶意活动、提供广泛的保护应用程序漏洞以及确保安全可靠地访问法庭记录。
法院选择了 Check Point 的 IPS 软件刀片来解决其安全挑战。该解决方案为整个网络提供了完整的入侵防护,使法院能够将入侵防护扩展到所有 12 个 VLAN 和 8 个接口。该解决方案还经济实惠,通过将 IPS 与防火墙集成,将法院的硬件要求降低了 50%。这种资源的有效利用使法院能够在整个网络中扩展 IPS 覆盖范围,而无需升级其安全网关的容量。该解决方案还通过更多保护和最新威胁签名,为法庭记录的完整性提供了更强大的安全性。 Check Point 解决方案还提供低 CPU 利用率、稳定性和易于管理性,防火墙和 IPS 从同一安全仪表板集中管理。
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KINESYS Semiconductor Factory Automation Software
KINESYS Software provides both Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM) and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) customers world-class software products and solutions for advanced wafer and device traceability and process management. KINESYS offers state of the art database technology with a core focus on SEMI standards. KINESYS’ challenge was to make back-end processing failure-free and easy to use for clients while supporting licensing models more adaptable to changing industry needs.

Case Study
Data Capture for Afghanistan Forces
Electronic equipments on the field of Afghanistan provided information on the status of the vehicle and to identify potential threats surrounding it to the British Force. The monitoring and interpretation of this data requires robust and sophisticated digitization for data capture and communication.
Case Study
Enhancing Security and Compliance in Remitly's Global Money Transfer Service with Fastly
Remitly, an online remittance service, was faced with the challenge of securing its proprietary global transfer network. The company needed a security solution that could meet PCI requirements and protect customers' sensitive transactions through its mobile application. The solution had to be capable of defending against new and emerging attack types without impacting performance. Remitly also had to deal with irregular traffic patterns, such as a sudden spike in account transfers from a small network segment on the Pacific coastline of South America. The company needed to determine in real time whether such traffic indicated an attack or valid requests. A traditional web application firewall (WAF) would not be able to distinguish this traffic, potentially leading to customer frustration if the IP was blacklisted.

Case Study
Major Aerospace Company Automates Asset Management
The O&M division of an aerospace and global security company was using spreadsheets to manually track more than 3,000 assets assigned to students and staff. Maintaining audit trails for this high volume of equipment became increasingly time-consuming and challenging. The chore involved knowing precisely what equipment was on hand, what had been issued, its location and the name of the custodial owner of each item. Every aspect of this task was carried owner of each item. Every aspect of this task was carried out by individuals with spreadsheets. Manually documenting the full lifecycle of each asset added to the burden. This included tracking maintenance requirements and records, incidents and damages, repairs, calibrations, depreciation, and end-of-life data.

Case Study
Modular AI Defect Inspection Solution for Efficient Semiconductor Equipment Upgrades
Smasoft Technology Co., Ltd., a System Integrator that develops industrial automation software and offers AI application solutions, was commissioned by a semiconductor equipment manufacturer to implement AI inspection features into their Extreme Ultraviolet Light (EUV) pod inspection machines. The existing AOI software in the EUV pod inspection machines could only identify defective products but could not trace the cause of the defects. The manufacturer wanted to upgrade their machines with AI features to make the products more useful. The AI solution needed to complete the analysis of 380 images for a single pod within two minutes and inspect different materials simultaneously. This required multiple sets of AI models for interpretation. The solution also needed to be installed in a cabinet in the lower half of the machines, which posed a challenge due to the limited space. Smasoft needed to purchase a hardware solution with strong computing performance, stable operation, compact size, and flexible configuration to overcome these challenges.