Large Corporate
- Europe
- Switzerland
- Forcepoint NGFW
- Next Generation Firewall
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Cost Savings
- Customer Satisfaction
- 网络安全和隐私 - 网络安全
- 电信
- 金融与保险
- 商业运营
- 网络安全
- 软件设计与工程服务
- 系统集成
客户是瑞士一家大型电信和托管服务提供商,拥有 20,000 多名员工。该公司为瑞士各地的企业和政府机构提供电信和托管 IT 服务。作为瑞士领先的互联网和移动服务提供商,该公司的使命是帮助该国公民和企业抓住网络化未来的机遇。该公司是该国连通性不可或缺的一部分,拥有该国大部分业务关键型宽带网络市场和超过一半的移动网络。随着宽带和移动连接在全球范围内越来越接近商品地位,该公司利用其技术实力在快速增长的托管 IT 服务业务中占据一席之地,尤其是在安全领域。
该电信公司是瑞士领先的互联网和移动服务提供商,是该国连接的重要组成部分,拥有该国大部分业务关键型宽带网络市场和超过一半的移动网络。随着宽带和移动连接在全球范围内越来越接近商品地位,该公司利用其技术实力在快速增长的托管 IT 服务业务中占据一席之地,尤其是在安全领域。随着公司转向基于云和混合的基础设施,数字化和新技术正在为网络攻击创造新的途径。然而,目前 IT 人才短缺,导致很难找到安全专家。这就是为什么根据 MSM Research Ltd 的 2018 年 ICT 安全研究,瑞士 IT 安全支出的一半流入托管服务领域。在接受调查的公司中,64% 的公司希望进一步扩大与外部服务提供商的合作。该公司需要严密的安全保护,防止恶意软件和逃避,并且零停机,以保持瑞士经济以及世界经济的顺利运转。安全故障可能导致网络中断,阻碍客户银行的数千笔金融交易并造成数十万美元的损失。更糟糕的是,安全漏洞可能会扰乱甚至摧毁全球金融市场。
为了提供托管防火墙服务,该公司与 Forcepoint 合作。该公司的需求要求其与 Forcepoint 位于赫尔辛基的研发团队密切合作,而他们的投入对帮助 Forcepoint 将 Forcepoint NGFW 打造成为如今的解决方案起到了重要作用。快速、协作的响应让该公司确信自己选择了正确的合作伙伴——一个随时准备解决问题的合作伙伴。事实证明,Forcepoint NGFW 是满足该公司需求的稳定可靠的解决方案,具有无与伦比的安全功效。根据安全分析师 NSS Labs 的 2018 年 NGFW 测试,Forcepoint 的下一代防火墙阻止了 99.7% 的攻击并阻止了 100% 的逃避,在测试的 NGFW 中获得了最高的安全功效得分。它的稳定性也得到了充分的证明。IDC Research 的一份报告显示,通过高级集群和软件更新(可在几分钟内(而不是几小时)部署到所有 NGFW 设备),改用 Forcepoint NGFW 的客户平均将维护相关的停机时间减少了 70%。
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Case Study
Real-time In-vehicle Monitoring
The telematic solution provides this vital premium-adjusting information. The solution also helps detect and deter vehicle or trailer theft – as soon as a theft occurs, monitoring personnel can alert the appropriate authorities, providing an exact location.“With more and more insurance companies and major fleet operators interested in monitoring driver behaviour on the grounds of road safety, efficient logistics and costs, the market for this type of device and associated e-business services is growing rapidly within Italy and the rest of Europe,” says Franco.“The insurance companies are especially interested in the pay-per-use and pay-as-you-drive applications while other organisations employ the technology for road user charging.”“One million vehicles in Italy currently carry such devices and forecasts indicate that the European market will increase tenfold by 2014.However, for our technology to work effectively, we needed a highly reliable wireless data network to carry the information between the vehicles and monitoring stations.”
Case Study
Vodafone Hosted On AWS
Vodafone found that traffic for the applications peak during the four-month period when the international cricket season is at its height in Australia. During the 2011/2012 cricket season, 700,000 consumers downloaded the Cricket Live Australia application. Vodafone needed to be able to meet customer demand, but didn’t want to invest in additional resources that would be underutilized during cricket’s off-season.
Case Study
SKT, Construction of Smart Office Environment
SK T-Tower is the headquarters of SK Telecom. Inside the building, different types of mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, are in use, and with the increase in WLAN traffic and the use of quality multimedia data, the volume of wireless data sees an explosive growth. Users want limitless Internet access in various places in addition to designated areas.