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Cube Dev > 实例探究 > 管理大量成本相关数据:Ternary 的 3 查询方法

管理大量成本相关数据:Ternary 的 3 查询方法

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  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 公共云
  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 基于使用的保险
  • 云规划/设计/实施服务
三元为 FinOps 行业的 Google Cloud (GCP) 客户提供服务。他们的平台使云工程师、IT 财务和业务团队能够在公共云成本优化方面进行协作。他们拥有许多最大的 GCP 客户,需要提供大规模的 SaaS 平台。
三元面临着管理客户产生的大量成本相关数据的挑战,这需要多维分析并超出了 50,000 行的响应限制。
Ternary 实施了 3 查询方法来分析并向用户呈现最有趣的数据。他们将查询限制为集中在用户最感兴趣的数据点上,使图表更具可读性并避免响应限制问题。他们还包括一个“其他”列,以说明任何丢失的数据并确保计算的准确性。
  • The 3-query approach developed by Ternary has significantly improved the company's ability to manage and analyze large volumes of customer-generated data. By focusing on presenting the 'most interesting' data points to users, Ternary has been able to make their charts more readable and eliminate concerns about exceeding Cube's response limit. The inclusion of an 'other' column to account for 'less interesting' data points has ensured the accuracy of total spend and subsequent calculations. This approach has also allowed Ternary to stay within the 50K-row limit while providing a complete overview of the most expensive projects and preserving the total cost. The solution has proven to be cost-effective, with the benefits outweighing the potential increase in costs associated with the increased number of Cube queries.

  • The 3-query approach allowed Ternary to manage large volumes of data without exceeding Cube's 50,000 row limit.

  • The duration of a request where N = 20 using the 3-query approach was the same as that of using one query to gather all the data.

  • The 3-query approach allowed Ternary to present complete, accurate data to users, enabling them to perform multidimensional analysis of vast volumes of cost data.

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