Large Corporate
- America
- United States
- InetSoft’s Style Report™ Enterprise Edition
- Java
- Open Source Ingres enterprise database
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Productivity Improvements
- Environmental Impact Reduction
- 分析与建模 - 实时分析
- 海洋与航运
- 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
- 远程资产管理
- 系统集成
太平洋州海洋渔业委员会 (PSFMC) 是美国国会 50 多年前成立的一个组织,其主要目标是促进和支持保护、开发和管理加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州、华盛顿州、爱达荷州和阿拉斯加州渔业资源的政策和行动。他们通过协调研究活动、监测捕鱼活动和促进各种项目来实现这一目标,努力收集数据并维护鲑鱼、虹鳟和其他海洋鱼类的数据库,供渔业管理人员和渔业行业使用。PIT 标签信息系统 (PTAGIS) 项目由太平洋西北地区的电费支付者资助,是西北电力和保护委员会鱼类和野生动物计划的一部分。在这个系统中,使用最新的射频识别技术将无源集成转发器 (PIT) 标签注入每条鱼体内。带有 PIT 标签的鱼被唯一地识别,然后在其整个生命周期内受到监控,因为它会迁徙到太平洋并返回其原始产卵地。
太平洋州海洋渔业委员会 (PSFMC) 面临的挑战是监测通过联邦哥伦比亚河电力系统的鱼类迁徙情况,以便为恢复日益减少的鲑鱼和虹鳟鱼种群提供有价值的研究信息。监测过程涉及记录大量数据,这些数据每三小时自动上传到 PTAGIS 数据库一次。挑战在于如何在不同的用户群中访问、传递和使用 PSMFC 报告。用户从远程位置和各种平台(包括 Windows PC、Apple Macintosh、Sun Solaris、Linux 等)访问 PTAGIS。PSMFC 需要一个灵活、可扩展且易于使用的解决方案。
太平洋州海洋渔业委员会选择 InetSoft 的 Style Report™ 企业版软件,是因为该软件具有灵活性、可扩展性和易用性。该软件的 100% Java 和开放标准平台可轻松与委员会使用的各种平台进行交互,并提供快速报告开发所需的用户友好型 Web 界面。PTAGIS 使用支持 Java 连接的开源 Ingres 企业数据库;与 InetSoft 的基于 Java 的 BI 软件无缝集成。由于 Style Report 的零客户端、基于 Web 的界面,该解决方案不需要在用户的计算机上加载任何其他软件。临时用户界面也特别易于使用,允许用户快速轻松地构建和自定义查询并从任何浏览器发送报告。
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Case Study
Drill ship power challenge: hybrid solution solves distribution issues
Aspin Kemp & Associates (AKA), a manufacturer of electrical power and control systems headquartered in Montague, PEI, encountered one with its hybrid power initiative, the first hybrid drill floor destined for installation on ultra-deepwater drill ships operated by Transocean, Swiss offshore drilling contractors. Since on-site modification was impossible and scrap recycling of any modifications was unacceptable, the enclosures had to arrive ready-to-install.

Case Study
Ensures Tanker Safety and Emissions Compliance
Storage tanks are irregular in shape and a certain amount of mathematical modelling is required to get an accurate representation of volume and, more importantly, the weight of material in each tank. In addition, countries have different emission regulations, so the ships position needed to be accurately known in order to geotag emission data.

Case Study
Real-time Networked Sonar System for Ships
A multinational, knowledge-based corporation that delivers marine electronics solutions is utilizing industrial Ethernet technology to help ensure that operations at sea are dependable and optimal. Based in Europe, the company has nearly 4000 employees working in 20 countries around the world, and produces high-tech systems for offshore oil and gas operations, merchant marine systems, and various applications for the defense and aerospace industries. The company produces products and systems used by merchant vessels and offshore installations for positioning, navigation, automation, as well as for surveying and monitoring the seabed, and for fishing vessels and fi sheries research. As one of the major suppliers of high quality marine electronics in the world, their products include chart plotters for yachts, triple redundant dynamic positioning systems for oil drilling rigs, and sonar and instrument systems for scientifi c research vessels. Products used for marine applications must be rugged enough to endure the corrosive effects of salt water, and be able to withstand excessive amounts of vibration and shock. For this reason, the company only uses DNV and GL certified products and components to ensure that their systems can meet the high standards required by the maritime industry.

Case Study
Fleet Management Connectivity Solution for Marzam
Marzam, in order to ensure the best service, invested 3 million dollars in the construction of 2 fuel oil tanks with 40k gallons and 10k gallons capacity each, located in Manta, Ecuador. The customer needs to keep fleet operations going with fuel available at all times in order to guarantee quality of service. KEY ELEMENTS FOR THE CUSTOMER: Real-time level monitoring: Tank infrastructure remote level monitoring. Configure alerts and notifications when reaching critical values to avoid the need for emergency refills and optimize supply schedules. Real-time consumption monitoring: The customer needed an easy way to monitor in real-time accurate values of consumption.

Case Study
Mitsubishi Electric's Edge Computing Solution Powered by Wind River VxWorks
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a global leader in factory automation (FA) applications, identified edge computing as a critical component of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The company aimed to enhance device and data security, reduce data traffic to the cloud, and enable faster response to network or device issues. In 2018, Mitsubishi Electric launched its first line of industrial hardware products designed for edge computing, the MELIPC Series. The primary development goals for MELIPC were to support the type of edge computing promoted by Mitsubishi Electric and to introduce advanced vision technology for device control. The flagship computer of the MELIPC line, the MI5000, was designed to combine real-time equipment control with high-speed data collection, processing, diagnosis, and feedback in a single machine. However, the development team needed a real-time control platform that could seamlessly integrate real-time control with proven analytic and diagnostic applications.

Case Study
Migrating to Software-Only Licenses for More Responsive License Management
The world’s premier shipping companies work with the software solutions of ABB Marine & Ports to get their vessels safely and efficiently to their destinations. A loyal customer of Wibu-Systems for over a decade, ABB has been relying on CodeMeter dongles to store the license keys for their ABB AbilityTM Marine Advisory System - OCTOPUS.The current version of the system is using Wibu-Systems’ robust metal-case CmStick ME, a perfect choice for the rugged conditions at sea. As satellite communications has made fast Internet connections at sea a common reality for maritime operators, the company is looking to move from physical to software solutions to streamline its logistics processes.