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Gaia,以前称为 Gaiam TV,是一个生活方式媒体中心,为那些专注于促进身体、思想和灵魂健康和成长的个人提供服务。该网站提供各种频道,节目范围从瑜伽和健身到另类科学观点。盖亚的主要目标是提供与受众产生共鸣的内容并促进健康和整体的生活方式。然而,该公司正在努力解决过度自我推销且无法有效吸引目标受众的内容策略。
生活方式媒体中心盖亚 (Gaia) 的内容策略面临着重大挑战。该公司的博客主要充斥着自我推销的帖子,这些帖子没有引起潜在客户的共鸣,也没有有效地吸引目标社区。这种缺乏参与并没有生成返回盖亚网站的自然链接,而这对于提高该网站的域权限 (DA) 至关重要。低 DA 阻碍了该网站的自然流量,这对 Gaia 的知名度和增长潜力产生了负面影响。该公司需要一种解决方案,不仅可以增加其 DA,还可以与受众建立更深入的联系并促进有机增长。
数字营销机构 Inflow 通过创作多位专家访谈文章为 Gaia 的挑战提供了解决方案。这篇文章汇集了来自目标生活方式领域的流行博主,每个博主都以“日常禅宗”为中心主题分享他们的日常生活。这种方法使内容能够与盖亚的几个不同的受众角色产生共鸣,比宣传作品更深入地吸引读者。专题博主与他们的普通读者分享了这篇采访文章,导致这篇文章在网络上广泛传播。这一策略不仅提升了 Gaia 的 DA,还提高了他们的排名、流量和转化率。
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Case Study
Barcelona Case Study
Barcelona’s heavy traffic and its associated high levels of pollution were the primary factors that motivated some companies and universities to work on strategies for improving traffic in the city centre. Bitcarrier is one of the technologies involved in the In4Mo Project, whose main objective is to develop the applications that form the core of smart mobility, one of the fundamental pillars of the smart city concept.
Case Study
A Smoother Ride on the Austrian Autobahn
By connecting thousands of sensors to an extensive network, Austria's autobahn corporation, ASFINAG, has created a smart highway designed to clear traffic jams before they happen. Through the Internet of Everything, ASFINAG gets the data needed to keep roads safe and drivers happy. Challenge: • Gain data on road, traffic, and weather conditions • Communicate accurate information to drivers
Case Study
Transforming to an Engaged and Connected City
The City of Mississauga in Ontario, Canada, improved services with a private fiber network and a citywide wireless network using Cisco solutions. Key Challenges: • Provide open and accessible government • Help enable better decisions through research and analytics • Create a connected and engaged workforce • Improve services through innovation
Case Study
Enhancing Security and Compliance in Remitly's Global Money Transfer Service with Fastly
Remitly, an online remittance service, was faced with the challenge of securing its proprietary global transfer network. The company needed a security solution that could meet PCI requirements and protect customers' sensitive transactions through its mobile application. The solution had to be capable of defending against new and emerging attack types without impacting performance. Remitly also had to deal with irregular traffic patterns, such as a sudden spike in account transfers from a small network segment on the Pacific coastline of South America. The company needed to determine in real time whether such traffic indicated an attack or valid requests. A traditional web application firewall (WAF) would not be able to distinguish this traffic, potentially leading to customer frustration if the IP was blacklisted.
Case Study
Smarter Traffic Enforcement: Cameras, Weather Stations, and Speed Limit Signs
The Transport Administration is responsible for Sweden’s infrastructure. They plan the transportation system, decide on building projects, provide maintenance, procure services and are responsible for traffic information. In the early 1990s, the Administration introduced speed cameras, which monitor traffic on certain roads and photograph violations. The problem was that the cameras had to be emptied manually, which led to time-consuming administration and extra travel. The requirements for the new solution were higher: In addition to being connected to the cloud, the requirements for reliability and accessibility were extremely high.